Friends….the Hunger Monster has been sabotaging my results for - TopicsExpress


Friends….the Hunger Monster has been sabotaging my results for the past week! Last night the Late Night Cravings were out of control! Nom, nom, nom 2 the nom nom! Does this ever happen to you? I know it does and its ok, we are all human. Lets take 1 minute and learn why this happens and how to stop ruining our results! The Hunger Monster is going to leave us alone from now on! Hungry at night stems from 2 main things 1. Not enough water during the day 2. Not enough quality food during the morning and early afternoon Drinking water is the first step. This means a minimum of 80oz per day. Hard time doing that? Then get Waterin for your phone. This app will challenge and remind you to drink that H2O. When you body is not hydrated you think u r hungry or even Hangry. Your loved ones dont like Hangry. Hydration or overeat its that simple. Water, fruit infused water, tea (unsweetened), Kombucha are all great ways to hydrate =) Next, make sure you eat and eat often. Im not talking about cookies, candy and fast food here. Start you days off with a big, healthy breakfast and dont be scared to continue to eat small healthy meals often. You will fill up and this means you have caloried up early in the day and wont be doing so late at night before sleeping and storing fat! We tend to over eat at night, simply because we did not eat enough quality calories during the day. Start doing this and be amazed at how well your mind and body perform daily! Friends, dont be scared to eat, especially early on in the day! Dont just exist, fuel your body to have the energy, clarity and focus you need to have epic days! Love yourself and enjoy the results. Follow this little tip and you will find youll have enough willpower this evening to fight that Hunger Monster and win. Eat Fit Live Fit! Please feel free to share this little gem and to make any comments sharing your own knowledge or experience as well =) -M
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 15:42:40 +0000

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