From Tommy McDearis: Ladies and gentlemen, I care about all - TopicsExpress


From Tommy McDearis: Ladies and gentlemen, I care about all of you, but lets take a deep breath and chill a little. First, Ebola being in America has absolutely nothing to do with President Obama, the Democrats, Establishment Republicans or securing the borders. This illness did not reach our shores through illegal immigration or a lack of border control. The man who was sick and died traveled to America from Africa legally, he had a legal visa, and he arrived without symptoms. His case is sad, but his travel was perfectly legal and above board. Second, Ebolo is a dangerous disease and we should guard against it, but we have had five people contract the disease and one has died ... out of 330,000,000 people! That is not an epidemic. Yes, we need to screen people coming from the suffering nations for the disease, and we need to plan for the illness. We do NOT need to invent ways to blame others, and we do not need to panic. Perfect love casts out fear. Love one another as I have loved you. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. Let the people of God keep calm and carry on! Thus endeth the message
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 05:00:53 +0000

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