From the Desk of U.S. Senator Mike Lee My good friend Mia Love - TopicsExpress


From the Desk of U.S. Senator Mike Lee My good friend Mia Love needs your help. Her opponent, Doug Owens, and the National Democrats will do anything to steal this election - including a vicious smear-campaign against Mias conservative record.--Mia and her campaign must prepare to combat the looming attacks that will be launched by Owens and Nancy Pelosis Super PAC in the upcoming days. The left knows that Mia will be a vital voice for the conservative principles and policies that create real upward mobility for the poor and prosperity for the middle-class. Mia is a direct threat to their big-government, big-spending agenda and they will stop at nothing in order to stop Mia. Doug Owens seems to be expressing some confidence of late, knowing that he will have the help of liberal, outside groups from across the country to attack Mia personally. Craig, the fight is far from over and Mia must be ready. That is why she needs your immediate help. As conservatives, we must not back down; leftist groups would love nothing more than to buy this election and protect their special interests. Will you let DC insiders buy this election? Thats why I am reaching out to you today. Can Mia and I count on your support of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more? Even $5 or $10 will help Mia Love raise the funds needed to expose the lies and combat the mud thrown by the National Democrats while continuing to drive her positive campaign and promote her positive agenda. Nancy Pelosi is counting on conservatives backing down from this fight. She wants to become Speaker of the House again and push through the liberal agenda of President Obama and Harry Reid. Can you imagine the havoc those three would cause our nation? They would trample our personal freedoms, cripple our economy and add trillions to our national debt. Thats why Mia has been on the campaign trail every day, pushing to protect what makes our nation great - the liberties, jobs and future of hard working Americans like you. So can I count on you to not back down and join me in stepping up for Mia Love? With our help, Mia can combat the out-of-control, tax-and-spend policies of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama. Please step up for Mia with an online gift of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more today! Less than 53 days remain between now and Election Day on November 4th. We have no time to lose - there is only time to win. Adding Mias voice and vote in the House and a GOP victory in the senate is exactly what our country needs. Thanks for all of your support. Sincerely, Mike Lee U.S. Senator, Utah P.S. Mia Love and her team need to prepare for the Lefts upcoming attack campaign. The Left wont stop until November 4th - so neither can we! The only way to ensure a win and great morning for American on November 5th is to provide Mia Love the help and support she needs TODAY. Can I count on you to help Mia today with a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more? Donate to Mia Love Paid for and authorized by Friends of Mia Love Friends of Mia Love | PO Box 255 | Riverton, Utah 84065 Facebook Twitter
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 18:00:52 +0000

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