GOD IS SO GOOD - ACTS - 2 : 1 , And when the day of Pentecost was - TopicsExpress


GOD IS SO GOOD - ACTS - 2 : 1 , And when the day of Pentecost was fully come , they were all with one accord in one place . 2 , And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind , and it filled all the house where they were sitting . 3 , And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire , and it sat upon each of them . 4 , And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost , and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance . 5 , And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews , devout men , out of every nation under heaven . 6 , Now when this was noised abroad , the multitude came together , and were confounded , because every man heard them speak in his own language .7 , And they were all amazed and marvelled , saying one to another , Behold , are not all these which speak Galilaeans ? 8 , And how we hear every man in our own tongue , wherein we were born ? 9 , Parthians , and Medes , and Pontus , and Asia . 10 , Phrygia , and Pamphylia , in Egypt , and in the part of Libya about Cyrene , and strangers of Rome , Jews and proselytes . 11 , Cretes and Arabians , we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God . 12 , And they were all amazed , and were in doubt , saying one to another , What meaneth this ? 13 , Others mocking said , These men are full of new wine . ( THIS WAS THE FULFILLMENT OF JOHN THE BAPTIST WORDS ABOUT THE HOLY GHOST BAPTIZING WITH FIRE ( LUKE 3 : 16 ) AND OF THE PROPHET JOELS WORDS ABOUT THE OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY GHOST (JOEL 2 : 28 , 29 ) WHY TONGUES OF FIRE ? TONGUES SYMBOLIZES SPEECH AND THE COMMUNCATION OF THE GOSPEL . CLOVEN TONGUES MEANS THE FIRE SEPARATED AND RESTED ON EACH OF THEM . FIRE SYMBOLIZES GODS PURIFYING PRESENCE BURNING AWAY THE UNDESIRABLE ELEMENTS OF OUR LIVES AND SETTING OUR HEARTS AFLAME TO IGNITE THE LIVES OF OTHERS . ON MOUNT SINAI , GOD CONFIRMED THE VALIDITY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT LAW WITH THE FIRE FROM HEAVEN ( EXODUS 19 : 16 - 18 ) . AT PENTECOST , GOD CONFIRMED THE VALIDITY OF THE HOLY GHOSTS MINISTRY BY SENDING FIRE . AT MOUNT SINAI FIRE CAME DOWN ON ONE PLACE AT PENTECOST , FIRE CAME DOWN ON MANY BELIEVERS, SYMBOLIZING THAT GODS PRESENCE IS NOW AVAILABLE TO ALL WHO BELIEVE IN HIM . GOD MADE HIS PRESENCES KNOWN TO THIS GROUP OF BELIEVERS IN A SPECTACULAR WAY - ROARING WIND , FIRE , AND HIS HOLY GHOST . WOULD YOU LIKE GOD TO REVEAL HIMSELF TO YOU IN SUCH RECONGNIZABLE WAYS ? HE MAY , BUT BE WARY OF FORCING YOUR EXPECTATIONS ON GOD IN 1 KINGS 19 : 10 - 13 ELIJAH ALSO NEEDED A MESSAGE FROM GOD THERE WAS A MIGHTY WIND , THAN AN EARTHQUAKE , AND FINALLY A FIRE . BUT GODS MESSAGE CAME IN A STILL SMALL VOICE GOD MAY USE DRAMATIC METHODS TO WORK IN YOUR LIFE , OR HE MAY SPEAK IN A GENTLE WHISPER , WAIT PATIENTLY AND ALWAYS LISTEN ) . GOD BLESS YOU ALL ... I LOVE YOU :)
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 11:37:48 +0000

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