GOODMORNING! Today, first and foremost please continue prayers - TopicsExpress


GOODMORNING! Today, first and foremost please continue prayers for my father as he struggles for one last breath! Today, I say lets use our words to our advantage so we may share our thoughts, our feelings, our troubles, joys or any other type of communication! The gift of being human includes the power of speech! Certainly we have other species here on earth that also communicate with one another; dogs bark to share news , with other neighboring dogs. Birds sing love songs to their mates, and squirrels chatter warnings, to one another! But we as humans share more than that with our languages : we can express intangible ideas, and we reach deep in our hearts to find words for our emotions! We are able to share our sorrows, our love for the people close to our hearts , our belief in our God, in our joys, and we can express our stress, problems and experiences! So today lets share what our hearts allow us too, at times it might be to early and too hard to share, especially our sorrows, stress, and sadness, that we might have today with someone we know and love! But let them hear the words describing our experiences! They can at times provide us with some comfort and our hearts burdens may become lighter! Give grief, sadness, and stress words: the sadness that does not speak whispers the Oer fraught heart and bids it break!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 12:39:53 +0000

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