GREAT IS HE (CHRIST JESUS) THAT IS IN ME, THAN HE THAT IS IN THE WORLD ~ 1JOHN 4:4 ~ WE ARE LIVING IN THE GREATEST TIME OF THE HISTORY THE WORLD WITH MOST EXCITING OPPORTUNITY TO DO MIGHTY EXPLOIT FOR GOD. BEST IS YET TO COME FOR US!!! LUKE 11:21-22 When a strong man fully armed guards his own dwelling, his belongings are undisturbed (his property is at peace and is secure). But when one stronger than he attacks him and conquers him. He robs him of his whole armor on which he had relied and divides up and distributes all his goods as spoil. The Word of God speaks of two complete sets of armor (panoply). Today we will understand it is not just about declaring something but being consummated with and becoming One with that which is greater. Not just head knowledge, but that you may know Him in the power of His resurrection, (PHILIPPIANS 3:10). Let’s look at this scripture. You know the only reason His Word doesn’t manifest is (the Bible gives us the answer), because we don’t believe and appropriate what the Word says!! We say we believe but do we? We go to the physician first; we figure how to solve our own problems and then when nothing works for us, THEN GOD Do we totally trust and believe what the WORD says?? Let’s read PHILIPPIANS 3:10 in AMP. “That I may know Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly”, not after you physically die, but that you appropriate His inheritance here on the earth, “and that I may in that same way come to know the power out flowing from His resurrection”. Did you hear that? In that same way to know Him, in that same reproducing power, after His same nature! Weren’t we begotten of the same seed as Christ, the incorruptible, immortal seed? Then why do we fall back and depend on our own knowledge and desires and what the world says instead of the life of the Spirit that we are to live and walk in? “And that I may so share His sufferings”, Oh we don’t want to hear that, no, because most people want a “goody God”, what God can do for them. That is why there is only a remnant that is really willing to become a living sacrifice and be conformed, transformed into His image. “That if possible I may attain to the resurrection (that lifts me) out from among the dead, (even while in the body) spiritually dead”. Men and women go through a religious motion, and never understanding their true identity, live in a sustained lifestyle instead of walking and living in God’s full inheritance of what He purposed for man. I believe with all my heart that God is revealing His Wisdom and understanding to His Sons. Just like the tribe of Issachar – they knew the times and seasons. God is revealing and giving understanding and vision for this kairos moment for this age. Not only for a greater revealing of the Christ within, but that the world would know there are a people, apprehended by God, who truly hear and know what God is doing in the earth for His glory. Remember what COLOSSIANS 1:26-27 says, It has been hidden for generations, ages Christ in you the hope of glory!!!! They knew the times and seasons of God, His prophets are rising up to be a voice in the land to summons His priesthood to rise up in His Spirit. GALATIANS 4:6 God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts. The Old Testament was a rehearsal of things to come, an example of what God had in store for a generation who would rise up in His image and likeness of what He ordained from the foundation of the world! That no longer it would be a rehearsal but a reality! We have already experienced Passover- Salvation- New birth; we have experienced Pentecost the baptism of the Spirit – the foretaste of our true inheritance, being enveloped in our true nature, where the Spirit rules instead of our carnal nature!!! It’s not about titles and labels and what gift I have, NO, NO, It’s about being in Him, His character and nature. When we put Him first and our life is in Him all those characteristics and manifestation will automatically manifest in us. IT’S HIS NATURE!! SPIRIT LIFE! This is the hour. He is preparing us to experience and walk in Tabernacles; everything He is, His fullness, His dominion and His authority in the earth! That this too, may be a reality, manifesting in a people on the earth!! Doesn’t the word say: I JOHN 4:17 As He is so are we in the earth today !! In EPHESIANS 6:11,13 it says to: Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to successfully stand up against (all) the strategies and the deceits of the devil.. Therefore, put on God’s complete armor, that you may stand your ground on the evil day and having done all to stand. It says stand, stand in what? The Word, Christ Jesus that overcame death, hell and the grave. That pretty well takes care of everything that would cause any harm, lack or hindrance in our life. So the real question - if this is true, why don’t we have it, possess it?? Because we truly don’t know and understand our true identity and our authority of what the Lord did on the cross for us. In the book I just finally finished, it really clarifies the areas in detail. I pray as it has set us free and is teaching us His full counsel to walk in, that it will bring His people out of religious bondage and set them free like it has us!! Amen! Everybody wants to fight the devil, fight this cause; we are always fighting the enemy. When we truly understand the Word, we learn that we stand on the authority of what Christ did on the cross. He nullified everything that voided or was subservient to His life for mankind. As we stand in His finished work of what He did, in Christ, we have dominion and authority over all things, just like HEBREWS 2:8 says we do!! For You have put everything in subjection under his (man’s) feet. Now in putting everything in subjection to man, He left nothing outside of man’s control. But at present we do not yet see all things subjected (given) to him (man). God has given man all things!! This is powerful isn’t it? Then why don’t we possess and have all things? We don’t know our inheritance of who we are and what we possess in HIM!! The Lord gave us examples, patterns and types in the Bible for us to follow. He is no respecter of people. What He will do for one He will also do for others, if we will meet the requirements. Peter is a good example of this. God’s life, environment, atmosphere was available, or should I say made available to Peter and He believed, had faith in the Word- Jesus!!!! Now let’s see what happened. The firmament submitted to the higher order or dimension, or should I say His authority superseded or dominated the atmosphere!! Peter walked on the water, he walked on the word!! Peter walked on the creative power (Spirit life of the Word)!! He had dominion over the elements, they became subject to Him. Isn’t that what HEBREWS 2:8 says? That God put everything in subjection to man, but MAN HAS NOT SEEN, comprehended it YET!!! That is powerful!! It also says He left nothing outside of man’s control!! So the million dollar question is why are we not in CONTROL????? Why do we not have dominion and authority in all things??? Because we don’t understand our true identity in Christ Jesus. We are waiting to die to possess it and the Word of God says “today is the day of Salvation, today you may enter His rest”. Salvation is not just having an experience of asking the Lord into your heart and recognizing He died on Calvary for you. It is appropriating what He did so you can walk in it. God is calling forth a people in this last hour to walk in that resurrection power. The world is celebrating Easter Sunday today, but in reality God is crying out to a people to be the resurrection of His Word and His Spirit in the earth. That’s the union of communion. and I thank you Lord that the Word that you’ve given to me today will have such understanding and such revelation that it will open people’s eyes to their true identity in you and the purpose of Your resurrection. I thank you for the clarity of your Word today, that they will understand and see and possess what you created them for, and the destiny of their inheritance in You and through You. Amen! Praise God! You know it’s hard to get out of tradition. Just like Adam and Eve, they were tempted in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and we have been born into that reality of the world’s traditions and systems. Amen? And so we get accustomed to customs that were birthed out of Babylonian, pagan worship. Do you know that Easter was birthed out of pagan worship? You know, it’s hard isn’t it? But we can see the distortion that takes away Christ from being first in everyone’s life. He gives us the victory, the joy and the protection for eternity for us and our children, and their children’s children, and their children’s children. And because of lack of knowledge we’re in captivity. If you will turn with me to 1 PETER 1:3 says; “Praised, honored, blessed be the God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah by His boundless mercy we have been born again”. If you birthed a child, women, you birthed a child. Do you need to birth them again once you birthed them? No, they’re on their way to growth, amen? In the Garden, He created Adam and Eve and put them into His Garden into His atmosphere into His environment, are you following me? Adam and Eve defiled, yielded to the lesser realm than the God given atmosphere of Spirit life that God created them to live in. They contaminated it by sin; that’s why He sent His Son to the earth. He gave the earth to man to multiply, subdue and have dominion and inherit all things in Him. Christ died to restore man back to the original state, not just to be sustained like Adam and Eve but to inherit all things that they never accomplished because of their sin. Through history, through time, sin has grown because man would rather satisfy His own desires and yield to the things of the world and be his own self-made person, than to depend on God. Really you know, that’s exactly how religion was birthed. Man was not willing to wait to get his direction and instruction from God so they birthed their own religious system. It satisfied the flesh and it’s still going on today in the name of the Lord. The sad part is, we have gotten so far away from what Church is, we don’t even realize the magnitude of the influence of man’s flesh versus the Spirit. The only thing that He’s going to bring victory to and success in, is what you birth in Him, so everything that’s birthed out of the world or man is not of Him. That’s why He allows, I didn’t say He caused them, but He does allow destruction and disaster, trials and tribulations in our lives to reveal to us, what we truly depend on as our source. And if we will trust Him with a humble broken spirit He will transform us into His glory. That is what the word says in 2 CORINTHIANS 3:18. As we allow the veils to be removed in truth, as we continue to behold, perceive, conceive the Word, it will continually change, transform us into His very own image and likeness from one degree of glory to another!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 22:21:36 +0000

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