GSRK-18 MASTER: (To M., reproachfully) And let me say this to - TopicsExpress


GSRK-18 MASTER: (To M., reproachfully) And let me say this to you. Your father and mother brought you up. You yourself are the father of several children. Yet you have left home with your wife. You have cheated your parents. You have come away with your wife and children, and you feel you have become a holy man. Your father doesnt need any money from you; otherwise I should have cried, Shame on you! Everybody in the room became grave and remained silent. MASTER: A man has certain debts to pay: his debts to the gods and rishis, and his debts to mother, father, and wife. He cannot achieve anything without paying the debt he owes to his parents. A man is indebted to his wife as well. Harish has renounced his wife and is living here. If he had left her unprovided for, then I should have called him an abominable wretch. After attaining Knowledge you will regard that very wife as the manifestation of the Divine Mother Herself. It is written in the Chandi, The Goddess dwells in all beings as the Mother. It is She who has become your mother. All the women you see are only She, the Divine Mother. That is why I cannot rebuke even Brinde, the maidservant. There are people who spout verses from the scriptures and talk big, but in their conduct they are quite different. Ramprasanna is constantly busy procuring opium and milk for the hathayogi. He says that Manu enjoins it upon man to serve the Sādhu. But his old mother hasnt enough to eat. She walks to the market to buy her own groceries. It makes me very angry. Through divine love man transcends his worldly duties But here you have to consider another thing. When a man is intoxicated with ecstatic love of God, then who is his father or mother or wife? His love of God is so intense that he becomes mad with it. Then he has no duty to perform. He is free from all debts. What is this divine intoxication? In this state a man forgets the world. He also forgets his own body, which is so dear to all. Chaitanya had this intoxication. He plunged into the ocean not knowing that it was the ocean. He dashed himself again and again on the ground. He was not aware of hunger, of thirst, or of sleep. He was not at all conscious of any such thing as his body. THE GOSPEL OF SRI RAMAKRISHNA, CH.21
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 05:31:14 +0000

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