Gay, Inc., knows that a backlash could be sweeping and brutal, so - TopicsExpress


Gay, Inc., knows that a backlash could be sweeping and brutal, so they are in perpetual attack mode to keep Americans distracted. After submitting over fifty “letters to the editor” and opinion editorials to mainstream news outlets in the United States, and getting zero of them published, I received my first phone call from a major national newspaper, last month. The reporter wanted to ask me how I felt about my responsibility for anti-gay violence in Uganda. Having never gone to Africa in my life and having no connection to Uganda whatsoever, I smelled a rat. “Where did you get the idea that I was involved in Uganda?” I asked the reporter. She had never heard of me until a few hours earlier, when she was prompted to do a Google search after speaking to gay rights activists, who tipped her off that I was supposedly a “rising star” of an anti-gay global conspiracy. As the play-acting starts to lose its grip on the audience, the gay agitators react with panic and ever-mounting levels of libel. They have to keep everyone on the defensive to distract from the disasters that gay leaders have overseen in their community and done far too little to thwart, obsessed as they were with the symbolic question of marriage and the misconceived project of normalizing gay adoption. Perhaps, as some have conjectured, the turning point was Brendan Eich’s ouster. Maybe the turnaround started earlier with the failed efforts to destroy Duck Dynasty. The list of people smeared and targeted, almost universally based on overblown reactions, and none of them having any real impact on the serious problems facing everyday gays, is long and chilling. Major gay rights organizations wage endless war against Barilla Pasta, Brendan Ambrosino, Brett Easton Ellis, Michelle Shocked, Rupert Everett, Kirk Cameron, Ben Carson, Michele Bachmann, Brendan Eich, Duck Dynasty, Chick Fil-A, Bob Newhart, the Catholic Church, bakers, photographers, florists, college professors, black professionals, and countless other messengers, in order to avoid having to deal with the truthful message: gay culture is screwed up. Gay leaders screwed up. Gay people are suffering because of gay people.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 01:09:14 +0000

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