George Harlow I live in Tea Party country. I actually know and - TopicsExpress


George Harlow I live in Tea Party country. I actually know and talk to tea party members. They cover a fairly wide spectrum on the economic scale from high earners to near destitution. Same thing with education. From professionals to near illiteracy. But they have a number of common characteristics. They are almost all middle age or older, mostly older, and white. They dont like Blacks, Hispanics Muslims or gays. Almost all embrace fundamentalist Christianity although their denominations vary. They dont believe in evolution or global warming. They are abysmally ignorant of history and have embraced a mythological view of history that never existed. They get their information almost exclusively from the Drudge Report, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, etc. They have developed an extreme allergy to any factual information that conflicts with their delusional world view. They will literally go into an emotional meltdown when confronted with such undenial facts and will abruptly end the conversation. Almost all of them suffer a high level of paranoia. They see personal and national danger where none exists.It would appear that it is more of a grass roots psychosis than it is a political movement. 18 minutes ago · Unlike · 2 THIS WAS SO GOOD I HAVE REPOSTED. THANKS TO GEORGE HARLOW. IT PERFECTLY DESCRIBES THE TEA PARTY MEMBERS.
Posted on: Thu, 08 May 2014 17:47:47 +0000

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