Go Hard. Or Go Home....(So to speak).. Something on my mind I - TopicsExpress


Go Hard. Or Go Home....(So to speak).. Something on my mind I MUST preach on this morning.... In regards to the times we live in and our stance as Christians...as Ambassadors: A whole LOT of folks...even ones who call themselves Christians are (simply stated) ..SCARED! In a lot of cases you can also add ignorant on that list too. Hear me out. This is not an attempt to slander or judge hypocritically and I know I have my areas to grow in as well where I may even be ignorant in some matters. . But on this day I proclaim to you that I love the Body. I love you all and I believe in Galatians 6:10 which commands us to do good unto all ESPECIALLY unto those of the household of faith. So...with that being said....back to my issue.. We listen to and believe the world too much. And contrary to what the world teaches.....one of the biggest acts of LOVE that you can do is to tell someone who is dying spiritually that they NEED Christ and THAT they are headed to an unimaginably worse scenario if they die without HIM. I think we have forgotten to speak a real message of repentance when it comes to the Gospel and salvation to the unbelievers. We preach a half message that minimizes the TRUTH and it sounds a little like this.. Hey do you know if youre going to heaven when you die? would you like to know for sure? cool...repeat after me and well get you that ticket......Un Be liev- able!! NO message..no awareness of who we are, who Christ is, what sin is, why we even NEED to be saved, what we are saved from, why we are here...nothing! We might as well preach..do you wanna go to Disney Land? Cool..just ask me for a ticket and Ill give you one..... And for those of us who claim we ARE Christians...we are living in a time where We have forgotten to preach that WHAT we know about Gods Word is just as important as our walking out our faith. We have disregarded the fact that KNOWING Gods Word is the very foundation of how we even MEASURE our walk. We HAVE to start reading and preaching Gods Word guys. Not just walk around all day talking about oh..its just my little personal relationship with God. Its between me and HIM. Its up to the World to decide based on my love for them. Tee hee hee... I say Blasphemy! Our relationship with Christ was NEVER meant to be just between us and Him. Stop believing the devils lie and repent. The relationship we acquire with God was meant for enlisting us into and increasing His Army of witnesses of whom He uses to reach the corners of the earth. But I digress...lets get back into the speaking Boldly of Gods Word and of eternal implications... There is Power in it. literally. We are forgetting that there really are eternal consequences that are a result of the choices we make before we die. Too many folks are afraid to speak messages warning about eternal consequence and the real reason Jesus came , died, then rose again.. Yes He saved us folks! Yes He saved us TO Him. TO salvation. The problem is were not speaking anymore about the fact that He also saved us FROM something. Yes that something is eternal damnation in a real and horribly disturbing Hell! People feel very uncomfortable talking about that part of reality because its such a permanent and irreversible thing as well as a scary one. But we have been called in Matthew 28 to go into all the world and preach the Truth. We have stood back for too long in the shadows as Christians and worried about Offending people. And being afraid to be called unloving and intolerant. Well.... thats the very mind set that has got us all in the situation were in NOW. The world sees us as weak and insignificant. They are not seeing the POWER of the Holy Spirit in us. So they arent convinced and do not see the pull, power or intrigue or the urgency of the Gospel. And definitely since the FULL Gospel message isnt preached then there often isnt ANY power in the message. There is POWER in Gods actual message to the point where the Holy Spirit begins to move on the people who hear it when its preached. As the Word says : in Romans 10:14-15 - 14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! We are to speak ALL the parts of the Word with Love of course but also with Complete Truth, and with Boldness and courageousness. Thats what Jesus Himself did. So are we above the command to preach the full Gospel? Are we above following in Jesus footsteps even though he called all of us to follow His example? He (Jesus)on many occasions found the only way to get through to folks was to call them out and with urgency. He told them they were hypocrites, and vipers. He talked about the perils of the slanderer etc, ... For too long we have been preaching a weak watered down gospel with only the feel good stuff added into it. so people have lost the message of hell and death thereby losing the urgency that is needed in order to realize what they are up against when contemplating God. They have lost the message that if you die without Christ you lose BIG TIME! JDawg...
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 22:32:23 +0000

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