God, is the one WHO bringz the Trials, or the Test, or the - TopicsExpress


God, is the one WHO bringz the Trials, or the Test, or the Struggles, or the Burdens, or the Sufferings. There has to be poor, or proverty or the God would be a fake for saying that there is, before there actually was. Nothing is accident. Everything is purpose, or test. The purpose(test), is for the God, already wrote, or written already and done on purpose by the God(Word). The God, is the tester. And the Tester, or the Teacher, or the Judge is always quiet, when there is testing, or a Test(Trial) to be took, or to be watched over. NO children should be talking to, or about another child, by making noise during a test. No children should be making noise while each individual child takes its own test(Struggle), because the teacher will assume that the children are cheating and will punish(seperate) all the children making all the noise, by leaving them inside of their own testing room, or suffering hell alone, to start the test again, to finish a much longer Test alone inside of his or hers own testing- Hell(Room), while only the child who finished his or her test(trial) passes on to the next test if there is any test to take Of left(wrong). If there is no more test to take, then the child can leave the testing room, or the trial Hell, to go outside inside of the light, to play as the Heaven for ever as that Heaven, or Great Star. Each test is different for each student, some are short, some are long. But each burden, or test is different according to the child, so there really is no need, or reason for the tester or the teacher to be visible inside the room(hell). The teacher only makes Her Self invisible, so that She can watch and record(remember) all of the playful pure spoiled noisey children, by reWinding(reMinding) all of the children She are watching, because She knows already Who the spoiled playful children is. She knows that the children are going to act up, by copying and making loud noise for the disciplined child that is trying to have faith, or focus on his, or hers own test(trial), once She leaves outside of the testing room, or the class-Hell. Once the child finishes the Test(Trial), then that child can pass- on, or pass-over, come-Over, or Over-come to the next class of Grade, but if there are no more tests, then that child can pass-on, or Over-come(come-Over) to the next Life as the Life of the Class, or as a classy -Life
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 06:30:52 +0000

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