God met me in my kitchen in February of 2010 and allowed me to see - TopicsExpress


God met me in my kitchen in February of 2010 and allowed me to see the Cross for the second time in my life. The first time was nearly twenty years previous and radically changed my life forever. That first revelation included a long and agonizing vision of Hell. He showed me what Jesus saved me from and I was struck with a holy terror and an overwhelming revelation of His love that arrested my heart and bound me to His will. Years later, when I was struggling along under the burden of dead religion, I would often recall that experience and I draw strength from it. It was in this struggling, heavily bound state that God once again showed me the Cross, only on that day, I was able to see the beginnings of what the Cross actually meant for me and its eternal impact on the various addictions I had given myself to. Grace enabled me to understand what I had always longed to know and empowered me to step into and abide in a realm of glory I had previously only tasted very briefly. The shackles of dead religion, of striving for a holiness which was already mine through the shed blood of the Lamb, fell away from my heart and once again, my whole life was radically transformed. It is the revelation of the Cross that transforms the face of the Church. What the Cross reveals about the character and heart of the Father, about the Person of Jesus and about the incomprehensible value assigned to humanity, is what we need to effectively advance His dominion in this age. As we begin to understand what He has actually accomplished for us through the Cross, we discover an impossible freedom, an ecstatic reality of such pure, undefiled pleasure that the word bliss barely whispers of its glory and beauty. There is nothing surprising about the fact that the liar has done his best to infiltrate and twist this glorious message of the true Gospel of Grace. Of course, he would attack the very thing that God has released upon the Earth to prepare His Bride for her wedding day! Though some have been taken captive by the enemy to do his will, through teaching, preaching, writing and singing the demonic fantasies WHICH ERASE HELL, this unveiling of the Cross will NOT BE STOPPED! I want to encourage you today to seek God in the secret place of intimacy. Ask Him to show you the Cross of His Son, Jesus. Ask Him and do not doubt that it is His glad will for you to know and understand what Hes done for us with no regard to the unspeakable cost. If you find yourself in a constant struggle with sin and fear, I especially want you to read this next part very carefully: GOD HAS DONE FOR YOU WHAT YOU COULD NEVER DO FOR YOURSELF AND HE HAS DONE IT PERFECTLY. Receive His free gift of salvation by confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and inviting Him to take up residence within your heart. Give Him permission to MASTER every part of your life with His unquenchable love and you will rejoice with great, inexpressible joy as your whole reality is filled with His glory and majesty. I speak GRACE to you, in the Name of the Lord Jesus and I declare perfect freedom to your mind, spirit and body. May you be overtaken by the splendor of His Presence even now and overwhelmed by the joy and love that pour from His heart towards you. ~Rick Cruz Torres
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 03:31:32 +0000

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