God of my Career God if you don’t help me, there’s no future - TopicsExpress


God of my Career God if you don’t help me, there’s no future to hope for If you don’t help me LORD, there are no goals to go for Say to my suffering, “Enough is enough, vele no more” Speak to my storm, it will listen, then it won’t pour God I’m struggling, I’m reeling in my career I know I’ve got talent, but my path isn’t clear It’s hit my self-esteem, the wound deep, so severe My heart’s broken within, my heart’s ravaged by fear Don’t get me wrong, I’m talented, that is clear But how can I make this a business, therein lies my fear I focus on YOU, and my giants disappear At least for a little while, when I move they reappear Is there any hope for me? I’m gutted with a spear I don’t know how to proceed, my path is unclear I’m quiet listening for YOU, but my doubts I seem to hear My heart melts like wax at the whispers in my ear With skill you have endowed me, but reality seems to smear The gloss on my gift, it’s hard to make it here By here I mean Zim, Doubt sees my Hope and starts to jeer “Forget hope, this is Zim, it’s survival over here!!” I’m gutted by that thought, like a tackle from the rear I’m screaming for the ref, but He’s nowhere near I looked for a father but found none, my soul was seared How I wish I had a Father, my life which He would steer Passion in the back seat, my gift locked in the rear Zvepoetry hazvibhadhare, focus on a real career Wati chii, music futi? Don’t be so cavelier Think accounting, medicine or IT, to that you must adhere Still holding onto the hope that maybe God will appear Like the main actor in my life showing up at the premiere Of the movie of my life, concerning my career All eyes be on Him, my attention He comandeers “Forget what you’re good at, it’s survival over here!! Hope lives in the 1st world, this is the Zimbabwean hemisphere” Society dictates subtly not to be so cavalier “Know your place, this is Zim, don’t be a pioneer” Thoughts like these damage my soul, like a nuke from a bombadier Afraid to come out, hope outnumbered, still doubt domineers Terrified to make a mistake, crowd’s unforgiving over here I’m broken in heart, gimme a Doctor, Engineer God I write this to ya, feel my pain, so sincere I’m the kind of broken that needs a Specialist Engineer Specializing in the heart, self-esteem, internal atmosphere Your Word is what I need in me if I’m to persevere Why’d you give me this gift? To suffer and persevere? Or to develop and to grow it, maybe one day profiteer? If that’s the case, direct my life towards a new frontier Where there’s one focus in my life in the area of my career A man cannot serve two masters, he’ll love one and hate the other I feel I’m married to my job and yet my passion is my lover Get me out of this affair, free me from this loveless marriage I’m pregnant with my skill, don’t let me have a miscarriage God of my Career, God of my Destiny I call unto YOU, please come stand next to me I don’t know what the future holds, I’m at your throne helplessly Asking you to guide me, stamp my life with YOUR IDENTITY My mess and my weakness in your hands are a recipe For GREATNESS IN THE MAKING, I wait on you expectantly I look to you in my weakness, needing your intensity Make something out of nothing out of me, your speciality God if you can hear, I surrender my destiny I expect your Spirit behind the wheel to be directing me Not my career, but your career for me be done Down here on earth, as it is in heaven. Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 14:45:22 +0000

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