God or mammon? Since I myself am interested in having his own - TopicsExpress


God or mammon? Since I myself am interested in having his own company, and have had a period, where I made all the mistakes, that makes one want to learn, so you do not make the same mistakes Again, if you have MORAL. So thought, I have to learn accounting and how a company works, so I signed up first on EUC northwest Zealand and then at Niels Brock, here I learned bookkeeping from scratch, learned about accounting rules learned how I could make it all on PC. Everything fine, now we come to where my INNER MORAL rebelled; We learn that all trade is all about the bottom line, that you have to have as much as possible of it in money, how to use what you have learned, to get as much as possible out of those you work for, or deal with, any customers and employers are reduced to, what Im on the bottom line can get out of them in money. In business economics B, this learning intensified , here is a teacher who can all tricks, legal of course, knows all about the trade and Companies, if he may say so himself, and there is no Companies that are giving anything away, or acting without seeing it on the bottom line as more money. MORAL, HUMANITY, LOVE and CHARITY are distant concepts in this course, here its about understanding how to build a Company, that can earn as much as possible, so they can make as little as possible, here we argue that the is better to let the children in India and elsewhere, be allowed to work under and poor conditions, for little pay, while companies earn their fortune on them, otherwise they will be at a disadvantage, so it s a help to those who work there, not a Word said about Companies lack of MORAL and SPIRITUAL RESPONSIBILITY. It is argued that the CSP which stands for corporate social/societal responsibility, is just another way to get the bottom line to grow in money, and that only those companies that see an advantage in money, writes this in their accounts. The course will teach you to be a smart seller, company owner, manager or economist, for me it is no longer difficult to understand, how the financial crisis, bank failures, fraud firms , etc. have a field day, and that they think they do nothing wrong. When this is the education the schools of commerce and offices, business and economics B teach, when these people come out at the other end, after graduation, these people have learned to become so smart that they can cheat society and thus all of us of millions, and they do not think about, that there is a penalty at the other end of fraud , they do simply the best they have learned, to get as many Money on the bottom line as possible. The community we build, the education we provide to young people seeking an education, has consequences, they influence the society in what we become, today our society is in that way, that everyone should educate themselves, that everyone should earn as much as possible, that our politicians find it ok to use the funds for their own pleasure, and then just say sorry when it is discovered, can that surprise us? They have just learned how to get the most to their bottom line, jobs as politician, banker, economist, and jobs in the financial sector, as so better paid, than the jobs where you take care of people, the elderly, sick, disabled and children, these are some of the jobs, who get the least on the bottom line, in society s eyes , it is not so important jobs, since they do not create money bottom line. So far, we have created a society based on the fact, that those who create the most money on the bottom line, they are the ones who are most worth and therefore those, who get the most benefits, and can get rid of with most fraud our society is no longer a society that has MORAL, HUMANITY, LOVE and CHARITY. Even our television programs show and teach us this. Virtually all programs is about to glorify oneselves, promote our egos, expose how good we are, it is very far from the message of the CHARITY GIVEN us 2000 years ago. At the same time, people find it so hard to understand that they can not get help when they are in crisis, that social security recipients have so little Money, that they have a hard time surviving, older get very little pension in retirement and do not get healthy and nutritious diet because of this, and they get les and les homehelp, there are fewer educators to more children, children are going to school earlier and earlier, that our young people have stress, that more young people commit suicide, that there are more and more common diseases, and a large proportion of these are stress, anxiety and depression. Today, our society iruled by the god mammon , GOD our CREATOR has been thrown out with the bathwater, and those who allow themselves to express that they still believe in God, they are immediately ridiculed, scorned and condemned. It is as if our society, which of course is you and me and everyone else is blind, deaf and dumb and have lost our AWAKE AWARENESS, lost the ABILITY to LOVE, we are heading towards an increasingly cold and inhuman society, where only the top earners survives. Today people are notspending time together, ene isl sitting in front of their own screen, in TV they praise that young children are so good at handling the screen, and how this can be used to achieve more, now elderly people who do not feel like learning this are forced to learn it, as they would no longer be a part of society if they dont, the knowledge you are not ÁWARW of is, what this does to us as people. As I said earlier, I see children and young people with so much stress, who daily are thinking about suicide, others do serious about it, the proximity, LOVE and care that was for another before screen time is gone, now almost all communication is on screen, with all the implications, is this really the kind of society we want, do we still want to follow the god mammon, then our society will become colder and colder, we will get more common diseases, in the form of stress, anxiety, depression and cancer, etc. The paradox is that it is actually all is promised us, that all we ask we shall receive, right now we ask for everything we get, we ask for more stress, anxiety, depression and cancer, because we have learned, all that never was meant to bee, and we have forgotten all that is the direct way to HAPPINESS. It starts with each of us , what you allow your mind filled with? what is it you want to help with? Is your life only about more money on the bottom line? How is your MORAL? Are you helping your neighbor? Do you practice CHARITY? Do you remember the old sitting alone and missing your visit? Or your help? Do you help the homeless? Do you help those you know is in need of help? Or is it easier to pronounce that they have created this themselves, so it s their deal , do you judg the judgment that separates you from your neighbor and thus makes you forget your responsibility? Whether we believe it or not, whether we know it or not, whether we are CONSCIOUS of it or not, we ARE all CONNECTED, ALL that you do for and against thy neighbor, comes back to you. Do you GIVE with LOVE, of GOOD WILL, without expectation of getting anything back, then you will RECEIVE in ABUNDANCE. The evil you are doing against your neighbor, comes back and persecute you,when you judge, then you are doomed, if you hate, hated you will be, when you criticize, then criticized you will be, when you cheat others, then the experience of beeing cheated will be yours, when you squeal, then someone will gossip about you, etc. Our INNER LIGHT must be nurtured, maintained so that it grows, when you are CONNECTED with your INNER LOVE, which is GOD´S PRESENCE in you, which is your INNER LIGHT. This LIGHT is your TRUE LIFE, IT IS THE HEALING POWERS within you, that LIGHT is your MORAL, thats what GIVES you HEALTH, BALANCE, makes you HAPPY and the more LIGHT is turned off, the more immoral you are, the more dark are your thoughts, the more imbalance and disease you will experience. I am sure that it is possible to do business and promote LIGHT in our World at the same time, its just a choice tha each business owner must take, and also in their education choice, having AWARENESS on MORAL, so that the joy and LOVE around their abilities, and the GOOD they can contribute in society with, wins over the bottom line and money. Is our society a society right now filled with GOD/LOVE /LIGHT/MORAL ?
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 11:38:12 +0000

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