God, the comment chains on youtube always give me a good laugh. I - TopicsExpress


God, the comment chains on youtube always give me a good laugh. I cant believe that they all have nothing better to do than argue about something as stupid as whether a band sucks or not. Some people like BvB, some people dont. Some people like Andy Biersack, some people dont. End of story. Its pointless to argue any further. I will address one thing though, something that kind of grinded my gears. Whether you choose to believe it or not, this band HAS saved lives. The messages within their songs can bring light to the darkest corners of the minds of some people. It gives them hope. Sometimes music can be better than a therapist. Now I admit that this does not happen to every single person, but it does happen nonetheless. If you can find meaning in an artists music profound enough to bring you back from the edge of the abyss, then thats truly something special. So you can say BvB sucks all you want, just dont say that it theyre only in it for the money, and that people who have claimed that a band saved their life are full of sh*t. Dont completely tear apart something that others hold dear. And as much as I hate his guts and his music, this goes for Justin Bieber too. This should apply to the music of all artists. The reason i decided to make this post was there was a comment chain in which a guy was saying that hes been through really tough times lately, and that this song really helped him push through. Everyone is being nice and supportive when all of a sudden this guy directly tells him to go kill himself because he was weak of mind for relying on something like this and that he was only fishing for attention. And because he was weak of mind, he was a waste of oxygen and life, and better off dead. For all the reasons above, apparently nobody would miss him. This is not okay. Just because someone needs support from others or music during tough times, doesnt mean they are weak of mind. It means they are human. Its cruel to tell someone to go commit suicide because they are weak, and therefore their life doesnt matter. Just remember that everyone was born and loved by someone. There will always be someone crying when youre gone. Which means that every life matters. Every life has meaning. I really hope you take these words to heart because i never, ever want to see a comment like this ever again. Personally, it made me sick to my stomach. Thanks for your time if you took the time to read this.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 08:56:00 +0000

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