Good Morning Cumberland County. Today is, Sunday, January 4th, - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Cumberland County. Today is, Sunday, January 4th, the first Sunday of January and the New Year of 2015. How are you doing today? I hope you are fine and that you are having a great weekend. Tomorrow we start school again, here on the plateau. The pressure is on with the teachers and the kids because of the upcoming TCAP’s and trying to get the kids to do well passing these tests. If anyone goes to JA BizTown with the 5th or 6th graders, they will know how much our kids really know that’s not questions on a test. I will be teaching an 8th grade Economics for Success class at Martin beginning the 12th. I am so looking forward to doing this! This will be the first 5th grade Martin class that went to BizTown 3 years ago. I will see first-hand how much they have grown. We woke up late today! Must have been the weather – rained all night. Lucy didn’t want to go out last night and again this morning, she was very reluctant. Rain stopped for now. We still have mild temps and a healthy breeze, but as the week progresses, we will get that arctic blast of cold air (Wednesday). I wish the north would just keep that cold air – I enjoy winter days in the upper 40’s and 50’s and no snow. Sharon and I got the desks swapped-out in the office yesterday. I’ve been going through lots of stuff and will get rid of most of it. We worked so hard yesterday that I forgot to go to the show last night to see that movie that was filmed here in Crossville and Knoxville!! I hope they show it again, soon. Coffee is almost finished and I will have to start getting ready for church. Not too much to say today, but I do have a couple of THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY I want to share with you: … Decide exactly what you want and resolve to persist, no matter what, until you achieve it. … Fear and doubt are the major enemies of great success and achievement. … When you meet other people, look them in the eye, state your name clearly, and shake hands firmly. … Associate with positive people, and get away from negative people. … Feeling listless? Make a list! Write down 10 things that you want to achieve in this new year. … Leadership is the ability to get extraordinary achievement from ordinary people. … A positive mental attitude is essential for success and happiness in every area of life. Your attitude is an expression of your values, beliefs, and expectations. ……… I hope you enjoy your gift of Sunday! We are hitting our high for the day now and as the day progresses, it will be getting colder. Lucy is at the door again to go out, and because she travels to the neighbors, I have to go out with her. I’m done with my coffee, too, and need to go make another. Guess it’s time to sign-off. ……. Catch you again, later……… :)
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 14:12:07 +0000

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