Good Morning My Dear Friends.. As I do every morning and evening - TopicsExpress


Good Morning My Dear Friends.. As I do every morning and evening I do MY Bible Study ...Pslam Chapters 13 - 17 also I was given The Book of Hosea a week ago, read up to Chapter 3 but this morning I finished the whole book of Hosea... in Chapter 9 verses 7 also 15 through 17 was the verses that was given to me today... .... I no in these times that their are a whole lot of none believers.. I love you dearly .. but the heart can be so deceived and their is a black force out around us that is called the devil and he is so destructive to the mind.. he makes life hard for everyone .. and he tries to be so hard on me probably harder on me than a lot of others .. because I have faced the devil in my times of sorrow and I no exactly who and what he is.... he gets into your mind and soul and tries to own it. with words of discouragement at every turn... ... but God is so wonderful giving me a chose to turn to him or to turn away ....I may not have as much education as a lot of people do, my grammar is far from perfect... but I do have a wonderful belief in God and the Son of God Jesus Christ...I no you may not see or can not see and because you can not you just dont understand .. it is like a vail that is over your eyes. You no and feel that there is something better out there somewhere, but in your search you are unable to find it ... I try my best to show you and to pull that vail away an to open your eyes to a wonderful gift that is as sweet as honey is to the taste Something so wonderful that no words could ever express just how beautifully and fabulous it really is .. Just knowing what I have found .. just by reading my Bible, Praying and trusting in God , You no Jesus Paid the Price suffering on the Cross to give us that very wonderful life .. that is an eternal life... and dont say that I dont no what I am taking about and if you think I an crazy then I beg you to come join me .. because I dont have a care in the world . I have handed over everything to my God including my Finances .. and it has made a wonderful difference in my life.. I never ask for much, but he gives plenty.. I dont have to have these things.. but I am very grateful for them .. I dont have to have much money, but I am content.. You see he gives me great Gifts not because I ask ..only because he searches out my heart and that give great peace to my soul... I no a lot will not believe me .. that is why I am so sad for God this morning .. because it breaks Gods heart to no that his creation such as you have completely turned your back on him, but If you only knew that he would give you the world if you only loved and trusted him.... Jesus the Son of God came to this earth to save and convenience you of how much God loved you ..I am not Jesus and I am not sinless .. but to me that is why it is so wonderful ..God does so much for me even though I am nowhere near perfect... but My God some how finds an see some kind of perfection in me... maybe he can see a heart that tries to be pure and a person that tries to be perfect.. I dont really know Maybe it is just because I love My Heavenly Father God so very much , but I do no he has shown me .. how much and how great his love is for his Children and You are a Child of God if you only believe.... God Bless God . Take Care my Dear Friends , and try and be a blessing to someone today...... Dont forget Church...God is there waiting for you.......
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 12:29:17 +0000

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