Good Thursday Morning My FB Family!!! … When God tell us to do - TopicsExpress


Good Thursday Morning My FB Family!!! … When God tell us to do something that seem difficult and unpleasant, He’s not trying to make our life hard or put us in straitjackets as some may think. Often he is just trying to get us to that place where He can bless us. THE WORD: “Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear me and always keep all my Commandments that it might be well with them and with their children forever!”(Deuteronomy 6:29) (NKJV) CONCLUSION: Our disobedience can take us all the way to the bottom, if we doubt this, perhaps we should reflect on the story of Jonah, especially when he found himself in the bottom of the belly of the fish! The Prophet Samuel said: “To Obey is better than sacrifice” (I Sam. 15:22). Sometimes we have to sacrifice certain things in order to obey God. Yes! Like our Pride. For it is better we do that than to ignore His Voice! The Bible says: “Righteousness exalts a Nation” (Prov.14:34). We certainly need our Nations Exalted! Have we been paying attention to the news! Such sad things happening! Perhaps it’s time we take an inventory of ourselves! Perhaps we need to ask; “Lord is it I?” In the Old Testament Moses stood between God and Israel, and saved it from destruction. And we know that story! When Achan sinned, Joshua pled the people’s case before God. Only one family was lost, rather than all of Israel. We live in an era of dwindling regard for authority, and it’s easy to add our voice to the chorus of naysayers. The Bible say; “Pray for rulers and all who have authority.” Why? Because it pleases God! It is that simple. Pray that God gives them Humility, Wisdom and Courage. All three of these things will be needed as they go forward from the State House to the White House in such a season in which we are in now! In the face of global terrorism, war, financial upheaval, unruly children, and a climate of fear amidst unsaved people! Let us obey God and pray that He will give our leaders the strength of character to do what’s right, instead of what’s popular!!! Pray that we will seek to obey God’s command for our children are looking on at how we act, react and what we say! And guess what! Satan uses these strategies: “He will defy the Most High.”(Daniel 7:25) He will always attack God’s plan, God’s principles and God’s people, so we must always be vigilant! In addition: “He will oppress the people of the Most High.” Mind that we don’t get weary on the way, for Satan will use it against us! (Heb. 12:3)…God Bless Have a Great day! Song of the day (Title) “Revive Us Again” … Pray without ceasing for our Nation and our Leaders, Our Vineyards and Homes, Troops, Teachers, Students, Schools, Work-Places and each other. Remember the Schools that have had tragedy strike to include the death of two teachers…Truly our hearts ache for bereaved families. …God Loves Them and You and I do Too! …
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 12:33:26 +0000

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