Good evening. The Bible says: In him was life; and the life - TopicsExpress


Good evening. The Bible says: In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. (John 1:4-5 KJV) Have you ever noticed what Jesus does to the life of a new born Child of GOD? Let me tell you from experience, cause Ive seen it happen before. Nothing can change a heart ... Like JESUS can!!! There have been lives I wouldnt give you a plug nickle for, that suddenly became as different as night and day. Think of this: Ive seen people who suddenly hit it BIG in the eyes of the world. Guys & Gals like Elvis, Marilyn,Whitney, Heath Ledger, ( list is legendary)... Money, success, power, fame... They had it all. But it all wasnt enough. There was no life. The light was out. Hank Williams, famed writer of the Gosple song I Saw The Light, once said to Rosemary Cloomey in deep depression -There is no Light!!! How sad... They missed whatever it was that broke them and made them a tragedy in their own mind and life. Heartbreaking to see such talent and bright future go down so early in life. But it proves the point.... They missed the life and the light they became so desperate for. Then Ive seen people that didnt have a dime to their name fall down at an old fashioned altar and weep bitter tears and committ their heart & life to The Life & Light of the world.then walk away Victorious,THRILLED TO KNOW THE SAVIOR! Just judge for yourself... There are few souls in our world today that are without CHRIST and have victorious lives. But I can show you countless meager lowly born again Christians who though poor as a beggar, feel as rich as a King... All because... THEY KNOW THE KING!! Come join us , well introduce you to HiM. Good night.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 03:09:57 +0000

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