Good morning :-) Cards revealed today Left: Eternity This - TopicsExpress


Good morning :-) Cards revealed today Left: Eternity This card is encouraging you to detach from the restrictions of your mind and look at your life from a more universal perspective. If you try to make your life fit entirely into human logic, you are always going to get to a point where it will no longer make any real sense.Trying to make sense of every part of your life is like trying to piece together a jigsaw puzzle while having only a few pieces of the puzzle in your possession. It is human nature to strive to work everything out and control things. Yet,the eternal nature of life is beyond human understanding. The message for you at this time in your life is to focus on the spiritual side of life. Observe your thoughts and fears and consciously surrender them to the Universe. Feel the spirit of Nature and Her changing seasons. Observe how all of Nature is in perfect order,how She accepts all that transpires in the world. Rejoice in the feeling of timelessness that swells within your heart when surrounded by Natures beauty. Middle: Rainbow Wings A rainbow is the aura of an angel s wings, which shines even in the midst of storms. It lifts the spirit and gives us hope; rainbows shine light into our hearts. Awaken the child within you and remind yourself of the beautiful and simple things in life. By guiding you to this card, the angels are confirming that you are on the right path. They ask you to keep focused on your dreams and to honour your inner child by doing more of that which brings joy to your life. Even though you may be experiencing some setbacks, you are urged to continue to follow your heart. Do not give up hope, for all will soon fall into place. Draw a picture of a rainbow and pin it to your wall. Imagine yourself protected and guided by your rainbow. Ask your angels to light your path and guide you Niall you do. Sit quietly and imagine yourself surrounded and infused with the beautiful healing couloirs of your rainbow. Its healing vibrations will inspire you to pursue your dreams. Right: Past Life We each hold our past life experiences within our subconscious memory, and carry these subconscious memories from one life into the next. Your past influences the way you currently react to and experience life. A current issue affecting your life and your relationships stems from a fear developed in a past life. Having an understanding of past lives can sometimes help you make sense of your present life and personality traits. The memory and feeling associated with your past lives can be accessed b sitting quietly in a meditation and asking spirit to show you anything that may be of help to you in the present. You may be shown a glimpse of a past life that contributed to a current fear or situation you face and this can often help you heal the present. Keep an open heart during your meditation. Know that you are surrounded by light and love at all times. Ask your angels to show you only that which will help you dissolve and heal the current issue. Before you finish your meditation, imagine all your past experiences bathed in love and light. Bless your past,present and future. Ask that this healing be gentle over the days and weeks to come. You can access past life experiences in meditation by yourself provided that you trust in the process. However if you prefer,you can seek the assistance of someone who is experienced in this type of work. In choosing someone to help you, simply ask your spirit, guides and angels to attract the appropriate person for you.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 01:50:53 +0000

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