Good morning Patriots. It’s Friday… and we’re making - TopicsExpress


Good morning Patriots. It’s Friday… and we’re making ourselves heard. It’s not easy is it? Every day I read your stories and comments about how you get called names by your family and friends, about how people unfriend you and refuse to socialise with you, calling you unfair and insulting names. It’s from ignorance and fear, but that doesn’t make it any easier, I know. It’s tiring, isn’t it, sometimes. Sometimes you think “Oh, bugger it, I’ll just let someone else do it”. But, then you look at your kids, your family and say “I can’t. I need to do this”. And if not you, Patriot, then who? Cause here’s the thing, Patriots. Your country needs you more than she has ever needed any generation of Aussies. Australia – most beautiful country on earth, I personally think.. She has been threatened before but never like this. Never by traitors on the inside. Never by people she offered sanctuary and a home to. Never has she had those kinds of people turn on her and try to bring her down. Her beautiful golden beaches have never been despoiled by the burka before. Those beaches, silky white sand and crystal blue waves, have only ever seen laughing children, beautiful women in bikinis and men who carved up the waves on boards or people jogging along the shore. Fishermen watching dolphins rolling out the back of the breakers, and a stick arcing through the air for a blue dog manically leaping over the waves. Crinkled eyes of lifesavers watching rips and gullies, and chubby toddlers with blow up armbands watching in fascination as their feet disappear into the sand.. Our beaches have only ever known laughter and happiness. Not oppression and judgement. Her gorgeous hinterlands with rainforests and creeks and soft green hills have never had mosques carved into them. Kids have slid down those hills on cardboard boxes flattened out, laughing till they were breathless, ridden ponies through the quiet bush trails, and families built houses and dreams just a little away from the froth and in-your-face glitter of the Coast. Late afternoons with blokes watering the lawn with a beer, listening to the gentle rhythm of kids laughing, car doors slamming as neighbours get home from work and the smell of the barbie.. And her beautiful, livewire, glowing twinkling cities.. Where I live.. Flying into my home, seeing the river winding around my city like a giant brown ribbon wrapping it up, I smile every single time. I love this city. I loved her and cried for her when she nearly drowned, and I loved her more when our spirit showed and we banded together and cleaned it up…. And now there are no go areas in other major cities in our country. Now there are whole areas where women dare not show their faces or bodies, where men have more than one wife, and little girls are not safe. Not in my city! We need to save Australia because she needs us. We need to defend her against these traitors. We can’t have segregation here – people can’t come to this country, take our kindness and our sanctuary and cut themselves off from our way of life and start planning our downfall. That is not OK. We do not accept that. Australia needs you. More than she needed the ANZACS, more than she needed the Rats of Tobruk, just as much and more than she needed the Diggers in Papua New Guinea and just as much as she needs her Diggers today. It’s on you Patriots. It’s on all of us who love this country. NFSE. NPSA.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 23:39:39 +0000

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