Good morning everyone!!! Well today I have started my new journey- - TopicsExpress


Good morning everyone!!! Well today I have started my new journey- very excited about the changes that are ahead!! My morning started with a little meditation / positive affirmations in bed before I got out to start the day in the right frame of mind Then I started my short yoga wake up session of saluting the sun- gets the energy pumping straight away Now I have just started oil pulling this morning with extra virgin organic coconut oil - its not as bad as you would think a good tip is to bend forward so the oil stays around the teeth and gums and away from the back of your mouth where the gag reflux would happen How to Do Oil Pulling: The concept is incredibly simple. Basically, a person swishes a couple teaspoons of a vegetable based oil (coconut, sesame or olive) in the mouth for 20 minutes and then spits it out and rinses well. Oil pulling is best done in the morning, before eating or drinking anything, though Dr. Bruce Fife suggests that it can be done before each meal if needed for more severe infections or dental problems. How to do oil pulling: Put 1-2 teaspoons of oil into the mouth. I prefer to use 2 teaspoons of organic coconut oil. I scoop it out as a solid and let it melt in my mouth before swishing (I don’t like the texture of solid coconut oil). I also pour a few drops of Brushing Blend (naturally antibacterial) into the mix. Swish for 20 minutes. Apparently the timing is key, according to Dr. Bruce Fife, author of Oil Pulling Therapy, as this is long enough to break through plaque and bacteria but not long enough that the body starts re-absorbing the toxins and bacteria. The oil will get thicker and milky as it mixed with saliva during this time and it should be creamy-white when spit out. Spit oil into the trash can. Especially if you have a septic system like I do… don’t spit into the sink! Do not swallow the oil as it is hopefully full of bacteria, toxins and pus that are now not in the mouth! Rinse well with warm water. Warm water seems to clean the mouth better (my opinion). I swish a few times with warm water to get any remaining oil out of my mouth. Brush well. I prefer to brush to make sure any remaining bacteria is killed.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 22:22:08 +0000

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