Good morning everyone and welcome back to another progressive - TopicsExpress


Good morning everyone and welcome back to another progressive week! Today is Monday, October 12, 2014. The number 12 deduces to the number 3 in the Tarot. Therefore, our Tarot card of the Day is the Three of Swords. Today, you should focus on healing and awareness. It is obvious that this card depicts emotional hurt of some kind. However, it is my wish that you see beyond that, and focus on the solution- instead of the problem. Now, the Three of Swords is symbolic of an issue that is present, but that is being ignored. This can be related to love, but also to an endeavor that you are passionate about. Perhaps, it seems as though your dreams have been crushed, and you have had a setback. Or perhaps you are still committed to a romantic relationship, in which the person is not committed to you. Regardless, the issue always seem to serve our egos a huge blow, and thus, has a very traumatic effect on us…which keeps us from moving forward. Whatever the case may be, the Three of Swords is a wake-up card that advises us to be aware of the impact of issues that we may not want to deal with. There is a misconception about hanging on to sorrow, in which we perceive that as being committed to a person or idea. This is false. While you may still be holding on, life still goes on around you-WITHOUT you. Without you? Yes, because even when we channel our energies elsewhere into something or someone that may distract us, we still sometimes have not moved on from the past hurt. This is a card about the past effecting the future. Because of this traumatic event that happened, we are unable to TRULY move forward in our lives. We fear the same kind of rejection happening all over again with something new. This keeps us stagnant, and we never move on and take a chance. Taking a chance is one of the biggest steps in your life that you will ever take, because you WILL stand alone. But that is ok, because the results of journeying are ALWAYS worth it!!!! Be prepared to change a lot about yourself. You won’t be the same person-you will be happier though. How do I know? Because I went through this transformation about a year ago. I’m not perfect. But, I do feel much better now. So don’t give up on something you love to do, simply because you faced rejection. Throw yourself back into your passion-only this time, take a different route. If it’s something that you can no longer do, (because of a physical limitation), find another passion to pursue. If it’s a failed relationship, don’t put all of your energies into someone who does not care for you the way you do for them. This will drain you. Find someone new who makes you feel good about yourself. Or be alone for a while, and get to know yourself all over again. Find out your hobbies, interests, and goals. If you have been experiencing some kind of deep emotional pain, be good to yourself and acknowledge it. Then, take steps to begin healing yourself. Live for TODAY! :) Wishing you all a loving day-Rainingmoon
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 07:51:10 +0000

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