Good morning, good evening, good day, goodnight. Where ever you - TopicsExpress


Good morning, good evening, good day, goodnight. Where ever you are in the world I send you my deepest blessings of love and affection. Firstly I want to say how truly blessed I am to have you all here as friends, colleagues, but all are brothers and sisters of beautiful light. My fog has lifted and light and love surround my world. I truly am blessed. When your up against it in life we rely on family. We hold onto family more than anything. It is our escape, its the block to many of our lives. We all blame our parents, grandparents, aunties or uncles for how our lives turn out. I blamed my grandfather when I was 13 for passing over into the light, or so I thought. He never made the light, instead he took permanent residence in my soul and tried to steer me away from trouble as a family member would. However by doing that he caused me a great many problems. I dont sit there watching every move of my children some will say I am wrong for not paying attention. However, I see it as they will learn independence and gain insight into their own paths and their own ways. Being a parent is like listening to my guide. That is exactly what you do, guide them. If my child says I hate you I ask them how they came to that decision as I may be guiding them wrong for who they are. Then by listening to their responses I can ascertain the problem and come up with a solution. By missing and blaming someone in our past for making us who we are. We unconciously cause an attachment that isnt good for us. I truly arent sure whether or not this is a revelation. It is to me. My power animal was infact exactly what I thought through my intuition a Trojan Horse. Sat within the confines of my soul guiding me from within. Protecting me from things I never needed to be protected from. Over riding my intuition and allowing me to march headlong into trouble. Basically my friends what I am indeed saying is my grandfather was my ego. My intuition is from my heart and inside. My ego was born from an attachment to a family member, how surreal is that. A family member whom I loved so unconditionally, attached to me and blamed everything wrong in my life on others. What I didnt realise was my grandfather was indeed my protection, my ego, my block at walking forward in life. Now I have identified that I can deal with it. He removed people out of my life who he saw as a threat of his connection to me and fed of my love. The role of mediums are not to bring messages of love from people that have passed over but to bring to the surface the emotion of attachments. A mass awakening yes, to cleanse the world of these inner demons. As well as love been a humans greatest asset. Love can truly set you free. As the more you hold onto their soul the deeper they are inside of us. You need to ask them to leave with love so you can live your life free. I love you with my truly pure and beautiful heart today. Take care of yourself today, so you can take care of others tomorrow. LNL < 3 xxx
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 05:44:16 +0000

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