Google Fiber and Microburst Storms. - Really! Last Week we had a - TopicsExpress


Google Fiber and Microburst Storms. - Really! Last Week we had a large storm pass through Kansas City, Mo which had brought a lot of rain,.. It seemed like a typical storm but within it was the smallest microburst tornado hail type storm I had ever seen. And that tornado hail type microburst hit a 5 square block area only in South Hyde Park, Westport, Mo where Google Fiber had been installing new Fiber optic cable. I found this interesting enough to ask a mechanical engineer about the possibility that is might be Quantum Mechanical. His answer was no that they cannot be related and that it would be pure coincidence that the two events occurred. After researching what I had access too with the tech and environmental aspics revealed more than glass fiber with vibrating algorithms transferring efficient data packets. Enviormental aspects reveal.. close poximity of cell tower wireless blankets, electric line and transformer energy dissipation, storm kinetic energy, and of course heat, humidity and barometric pressure. So the theory within this new communications technology is considering this weather event which caused 4 or 5 tranformers to blow, power lines yanked and more than 30 large tree limbs to fall from the wind loosing power for the area for a day or two is this... Google Fiber may have accidentally caused a microburst storm by creating a new form of powerful energy.. Did the new Google Fiber tech catelyst energy in a kinetic power plant fashion with draw? Or, creat a large amount of energy with the potentiality of a new type of Power Plant.. A Google Fiber Power Plant in a controlled environment?
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 20:50:26 +0000

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