Grand Ayatollah “Loftollah Saafi Golpayegani” stated in a - TopicsExpress


Grand Ayatollah “Loftollah Saafi Golpayegani” stated in a message to al-Azhar scholars: We are thankful of your reaction to condemn these crimes against humanity. However it is not sufficient. Your responsibility is more than before. Below is is his complete message: In the Name of Allah the Most Compassionate the Most Merciful And they resented them not except because they believed in Allah , the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy (Quran 85:8), Esteemed Al-Azhar Scholars, Al-salamu alaikum wa rahmatollah wa barakatuh To our regret and sorrow, we have been informed that Dr. Muhammad Hassan Shehatah has been martyred by an ignorant and deviant group in the most brutal and savage form. His body has also been disrespected –against all humane and Islamic values- depicting a very harsh and violent picture of Islam which is a religion of compassion and peace. It can be said these are not unprecedented actions by this ignorant and savage group since they have not only committed these crimes in Egypt but they have also imperiled Muslims’ security and peace in other Islamic countries creating a dark atmosphere for them. However it is surprising that this time these crimes have taken place in a country that hosts large university of Al-Azhar being proud of offering the world sublime Islamic knowledge and its fair virtues. Esteemed al-Azhar should take its primary responsibility more seriously. We are thankful of your effort to condemn this crime against humanity but it is not sufficient. As great Muslim scholars you are responsible before the dear Islam and you are more responsible than before. Don’t you see how wahhabi scholars issue anti-Islamic fatwas and urge Muslims to shed other Muslims’ blood? Don’t you think it might be a conspiracy by enemies who live in peace in their countries but try to wage a war among Muslims? Haven’t you seen pictures depicting brutal murder of innocent children, defenseless women and men; pictures they show the world?! Please stand up for Allah’s sake (SWT) and use the most of your spiritual and religious power; make a quick reaction for tomorrow may be too late. O all Muslim scholars! Let us call Muslims to unity and consolidation and follow this verse ” and do not dispute and [thus] lose courage and [then] your strength would depart Quran 8:46″ Let us show the world that dear Islam is the religion of mercy, compassion and kindness; it is a religion that wishes dignity for humanity. Let us announce to the world that our constitution is the holy Quran; a book we believe in and we would like to convey its great message to the world; messages that lead to eternal felicity. Ask the heads of Islamic countries to stop disunity and bow down before the holy Quran. With a heart filled with sorrow and grief for Muslims’ deplorable condition, I resort to Allah (SWT) and ask Him to restore Muslims’ dignity and defeat Islam’s enemies. 16 Sha’ban 1434/ Jun 25 2013
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 01:52:14 +0000

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