Grand Teton NP is about 6 mikes from Jackson Hole. After lunch we - TopicsExpress


Grand Teton NP is about 6 mikes from Jackson Hole. After lunch we popped up and followed the scenic road through the park. The mountains rise up out if the ground and reach up and touch the sky! It was very cloudy and some of the clouds made interesting photos. It must be a glorious view on a sunny day. We came across the Sacred Heart Chapel in the middle of the park. It was a lovely, rustic warm structure. We said our prayers and carried on. No candles there for obvious reasons. We got up to Coulter Bay and settled into a campsite. I love camping in the national parks. There are many people around but you can hear a pin drop. Today I learned to never give Maddie French fries again. Once we pulled into the park, I heard a strange noise and looked to see her throwing up all over the place. Oh the poor pup! When she settled down, I put her on her leash outside the door and proceeded to set up camp. About 10 minutes later I heard her one bark signal, time to come in. Not five minutes after that she started itching. She was itching like I had never seen her itch before. It looked like she was trying to scratch off her face. I went and checked her carefully. No bugs, ticks, bites or stings. Five minutes later her face blew up with hives!!!! OMG the poor little pup!!!! I grabbed the liquid Benadryl and fought with her to drink her dose. She was wrestling and spitting it out. There was Benadryl all over her, me and the floor. Next I grabbed her and gave her a shower. I didnt know if she had ingested something or rubbed up against something and I thought if she still had poison oils on her skin we need to wash them off. She continued to blow up, unable to open her eyes. I wrapped her in a towel and held her in my arms for an hour. Neither of us moved. She was sleepy from the Benadryl and I was watching her breathing and heart rate. After about an hour and a half, her hives started to go down. She was still itchy and was out of sorts. An hour later the hives seemed to have moved. While her face was still swollen, she now had little bumps all over her head, neck and trunk! Her breathing was still ok but I was so worried. We were in the middle of a national park over fifty miles from an animal hospital, Maddie was having some type of allergic reaction and I didnt know what to expect next. I had no internet or phone service in the campground to call a vet so I packed up and went to find phone service and help for my baby. It was very dark and I was having a difficult time driving. About two miles up the road there was a group of cabins and the office was lit up. I pulled in and went inside to see if the people could give me information about the nearest vet. I hadnt realized in my haste I has only half dressed. I had thrown on a pair of sweatpants but still had on a flannel pajama top! I was standing there in flop flops looking like you cant imagine what amid these civilized people. They were very kind, pulled up the vet and the emergency number. I went back in the motor home with Maddie and left a message on the emergency number. I plugged the address into my GPS and got ready to go. There was a knock on my door. A kind man who had been in the office was outside my door on his phone texting his brother who is a vet! We exchange information about Maddie, the situation and treatment so far. Within 10 minutes Jason the Vet was examining Maddie!!!! I was so relieved! He thought it was not the fries because it happened many hours after she ate them. He thought it looked more like she had ingested something in the woods that caused the reaction. He agreed my treatment was appropriate and felt she was fine for the night. He told me to give her Benadryl once more in the morning and of course, if for some reason she got worse over night, take her into town to the vet there. He would not let me pay him or buy him breakfast. He said he was happy to have been able to help. I dont know that he will ever realize how his kindness made an impact on me. I was able to relax knowing Maddie was ok. The piece of mind he gave me was priceless. At the next opportunity, I will pay it forward and even though he wont know it, he will have done two good deeds. This morning my little girl is not quite as spry as normal but her little face us back and she seems happy again. We had our morning Benadryl wrestle, put on her Thunder Shirt and are now heading to Yellowstone today. I dont want to jump to an opinion but I think the thunder shirt did help her when we were driving today and when I put it on today she seemed to like it. When I try to put on a harness or winter jacked she fights like an alligator. Today she stood still and seemed to like the feeling of the thunder shirt. More to come on that! I have a new appreciation for my family and friends who have raised children. I hope I live through raising a pup!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 15:34:22 +0000

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