Great Job by the positive side tonight! Joe, Cathy and Gerry did a - TopicsExpress


Great Job by the positive side tonight! Joe, Cathy and Gerry did a great job by stating great points, deflecting the false rhetoric, and citing facts. The CCACG continued with the blatant LIES! The best of all was they had J.T. OReilly on their panel who continually MADE Paolinos points without realizing it! This was especially the case in his closing statement. First off, he repeatedly stated throughout the forum that Newport has plenty of jobs available. Really. He stated that his corporation, that just recently LAID off about 50 people due to its sale of the yachting center, cannot find locals to fill the openings they have. I suggest that anyone that needs a job go to one of the Newport Harbor Corp. properties tomorrow and apply. According to OReilly, they have to go outside of RI to hire people because there is no one in RI applying. 6.4 percent unemployment in Newport is not that bad according to him. His words! He was asked several times how many of the jobs were seasonal, and he just kept saying yes they have lots of seasonal jobs yet was trying to say that the casino will have seasonal jobs, which they will not. Casino jobs are year round. By the way he dodged the question on how many go on unemployment in the offseason from his corporation. He also stated that he does not understand at all why the Newport City Council did not accept the Host Community Agreement that was offered by the casino. This agreement would have put in writing the promises that the anti side wants. Paolino had earlier mentioned why. 4 City council members(McLaughlin, Neville, Leonard, and Farley) wanted to cater to the extremely vocal anti casino members.(Side note: funny watching Farley not be able to stay quiet in a forum like that) They did not believe they could get reelected without their vote. Yet Paolino and his partners have not backed off their promises. In fact they have made them even better. OReillys final comment may be the most profound one of the night. After Liz Taber had continually badgered Paolino about his promises to this investment, OReilly stated he takes Paolino for his word that he will make all the investments he has promised. His reservation is that it will take a couple of years for this development to happen. Of course it will take a couple of years to make a $40 million investment! Thank you J.T. OReilly for making the case for this great deal that is before us. I could see Liz Tabers face cringe with every word out of your mouth tonight. And for all the negative people out there who think I am making this up and want to call me out (CCACG) I accept that challenge. PLEASE DO! I videoed much of the forum and if I can find a techie to post it here I will. Again great job on the positive side. 1 casino in 1 location creating hundreds of jobs and generating millions in revenue for Newport!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 05:36:33 +0000

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