GunAndRoses - The one thing you have to work on is your decision - TopicsExpress


GunAndRoses - The one thing you have to work on is your decision making. Your lane/champion mechanics are very good. Extremely good. Thats why Grant and I are surprised that youre not plat yet. The issue is that you need to know when its unsafe to engage in the enemy jungle i.e. no vision, when you should back (not staying when youre too low), backing unsafely, and generally knowing when youre a little too deep. Dapeebb I highly recommend using ignite on Renekton. Its hard to say how well your lane was, because the Trundle kept disconnecting, but you lose a lot of kill potential without ignite, especially against a Trundle that gains a massive amount of health through his lifesteal. 30mag - You did a decent job in your 2v2s, but I would be very cautious about rocket jumping on people. Generally you want to save your escape as an escape, not for damage (since it scales with AP). I would really practice on kiting, because since you have soooo much range as tristana, you want to abuse it. Especially when youre fighting champions with short ranges. FlowFlow - Your laning phase was pretty good - Id be careful about initiating with your ult unless you have Zhonyas, otherwise youre likely to die before it actually snares anyone. Id be more liberal with your ward coverage - you want to focus on warding areas that are critical. For example, theres no need to ward on the bottom side of the map if you guys have two bot turrets down, dragon is down, and you want to push inner top turret (just an example). Likewise, if youre pushing bot and baron isnt up, theres no real need to ward the top side of the map. You only get 3, so be certain where you want them. Shanock34 - You had a really, really big lead at the beginning, but you spent a little too much time ganking lanes that werent necessarily gankable. Try to wait for them to extend past the middle of the lane, and rely on your laner to ENGAGE on the enemy laner before you try to commit to another gank. You ended up getting really far behind in CS because of this, and it let Evelyn fight you better despite your two kills VS niemidasekya - You REALLY, REALLY need to start getting the defensive mastery points in reduced dmg from neutral monsters (tough skin). I don’t entirely agree with the early cheese, because you ended up having to wait several minutes for Pantheon to show up and didn’t walk out with his buffs. If Pantheon hadn’t gotten so far behind, he would have been able to snowball really hard over you. However, you put up some really good jungle pressure and had a decent amount of farm to back it up. UltRobDriver - I think your decision making is what ended up winning the game. I didn’t really see you do anything poorly per say, good choice in responding on the invade on the second red buff for Evelynn, you guys managed to clean up pretty well there. You also had a lot of pressure from Evelynn. One thing I would say is to probably be more careful about the power spike from lvl 5 to 6, as well as 1 to 2. You should try to push the wave as much as possible for wave 1 because otherwise Zed will hit 2 before you and can dish out a decent amount of dmg (not so much as Zed, but someone like Leblanc would ruin your life). That lvl 6 power spike, you stayed a little too long and death mark did a lot of damage to you. Honestly, you should’ve died, but Zed took R back too soon. Those power spikes can make a much bigger difference at higher elo, esp. at 1 and 2 if you had played against a Leblanc/Fizz/ or Gragas, or even if Gun had gone more aggressive on you. Jezakaru - You did really well! The only thing I’d be careful about is making sure that if you have your ult, you might want to pop it a little early if you have to if you know you’re about to take a lot of burst. If you can choose to do it ahead of time, you can mitigate a lot more damage than if you waited. Also see the ward notes that I left for flowflow. Tansuke - dc more. On a more serious note, you built an early spectre’s cowl for a team that was almost entirely AD. I know you did that for the sustain that you would get from spell vamp, but for that early in the game, it is likely more gold efficient to just rely on the inherent tankiness from the armor against an all ad team (the armor gives you more effective health over x uses of r, I’m not going to bore you with the math) if you know you can get away with stacking it. TinyMasterOfEvil - Solid Graves ult. You had pretty good positioning, too. I can’t really say much this game atm. Game 2: Team 1: Srasy - Playing Heimer top means that you have no soul. I would be careful about over extending, as you’re playing a champion with no mobility. It makes it very easy to get ganked, especially when you’re in a lane as long as top. Also be careful on your rotations with Veigar, since you have no CC, it’s easy to get picked traveling between lanes. Jezakaru - Excellent laning. niemidasekya You REALLY need to start taking the mastery where you take reduced neutral monsters (tough skin) in your defensive tree. Its hurtingyou pretty significantly in the early game and can cause you to lose a lot of trades if you dont get an early advantage. TinyMasterOfEvil - tamuleague account prolly banned, can’t stream rape Tansuke - no words. Team 2: UltRoberDriver - We all know what I’m going to say. I’ll skip that part. Try to pay more attention to your opponent’s cooldowns. If you know the range of Veigar stun, you can just bait it out, and then use living shadow to either get out of it or to engage after it’s dropped. Theoretically, you can counter literally every Veigar ability but R - which can be avoided using deathmark. I would also avoid the black cleaver first on Zed. Go bilgewater -> brutalizer -> botrk -> lw and for T2 use it to counter enemy laner, e.g. merc vs ap, ninja vs ad, or mobis cause you’re wrecking. Dapeebb - I don’t think the smite is worth it for Heimer turrets. Tbh, that’s just a hard lane vs heimer top cause he pushes infinitely. You need someone that can just all in at 6. LordKevin - You had some pretty good positioning, but you picked a tough lane and your team didn’t manage to make it to late game. I recommend not chasing too hard, though, Veigar blew you up at one point. I’d try to play stronger laners to get better at kiting as well, and in terms of trades. You did really well trading with them while they focused Soraka while you were retreating, though. It’s hard to give good criticism when your other lanes lost so hard, so my apologies on that. Shanock34 - The smite was unfortunate. All your lanes lost. I really don’t know how to tell you to deal with that. 30Mag - Be careful about your lane matchups - Soraka isn’t a bad pick, but when it’s Vayne/Soraka, you end up having a lane with not much trading potential and extremely vulnerable to all ins. I would try and pick a stronger laner, like maybe Annie, where you can rely on the stun to help your ad trade. Early game, you’re most of the damage.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 02:21:39 +0000

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