GundamIt Hobbies Gundam Facts: Did you know... After - TopicsExpress


GundamIt Hobbies Gundam Facts: Did you know... After Operation British failed to destroy the Earth Federation Forces military headquarters in Jaburo, South America, the Zeon began to pursue other, more direct ways, of trying to destroy the subterranean base. The Apsalus Project, directed by Zeon scientist Ginias Sahalin, was perhaps one of the most feasible of the plans to destroy Jaburo, and so it was given funding priority. The main idea of the plan involved getting a mobile armor to fly over Jaburo and destroy the base with a powerful beam weapon. The Apsalus Project involved creating the massive mobile armor that could operate in the upper atmosphere or low-Earth space orbit. To achieve atmospheric flight the Apsalus used the Minovsky Craft System, which created a highly concentrated cushion of Minovsky Particles between the mobile armor and the Earth, providing lift. The Apsalus I, built in a Zeon mountain base in Southeast Asia, served as the test-bed for the Minovsky Craft System. Built with many spare parts from old MS-06 Zaku IIs, the Apsalus required a very powerful generator to run its Minovsky Craft System. Built under the direct supervision of Ginias Sahalin, the Apsalus I would be piloted by his sister, Aina Sahalin, on its test flight. The Apsalus II is a refitted version of the Apsalus I with a Mega Particle Cannon installed within it. Like the Apsalus I, The Mega Particle Cannon mounted on the Apsalus II was powerful enough to vitrify rock and sand and carve massive cylinders through stone. The Apsalus III would be the culmination of all of the test data of the previous two Apsalus units and it was over twice the size of the original two units. To compensate for balance problems in flight the Apsalus III mounted two Minovsky Craft Systems, one on each side of its body located on spider-like legs that could be lowered away from the main body to anchor the unit in place when firing close to the ground. Also, to overcome the problem of insufficient energy the Apsalus III mounted three Rick Dom II generators instead of one. Also unlike the previous models, the beam weaponry of the Apsalus could be manipulated at the beam-level, enabling the beam to be redirected shortly outside of the barrel as the user wished, allowing a wide range of attack without needing to move the Apsalus. Visit our page for more Gundam Facts! Page: https://facebook/gundamithobbies On-hand Kits: Open for Reservations: Questions regarding on how to order and meet-ups please read this:
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 03:54:52 +0000

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