H/T Jovany Raphael The Hubble Space Telescope was witness to a - TopicsExpress


H/T Jovany Raphael The Hubble Space Telescope was witness to a vicious interstellar event while it recorded the coiled galaxy known as ESO 137-001 getting ripped apart at the very fabric of space-time as the galaxy attempted to go through the cluster constellation Abell 3627, which is also known by the name the Norma Cluster. The spiral shaped galaxy was pushing through the constellation so hard that it was spattering its particles all over the place and leaving bright blue gas streaks behind. Amazing photographs from Hubble have just been released and the fierce passage was demonstrated by the shattered threads of gas which almost have the appearance of bunches of jellyfish tendrils colored in blue. The galaxy cluster pressure was so massive it dragged the gas out of the curved galaxy and pushed it toward interplanetary space. Here it merged with young, enormous stars that sent out light in intense ultraviolet. The spiral had been moving between other galaxies that are located inside the Norma cluster, which is over 200 million light years away from Earth, at about a speed of 4.4 million miles an hour. The galaxy had been ramming though so fast that the majority of its gas had been trapped and was seen being ripped away in a process known as “ram pressure stripping.” It was only the holding force of the stars’ gravity which kept them together this long. There was a smoky brown area located at the middle of the corkscrew galaxy that was also being pushed from the ram pressure, but it ended up leaving particles of dust instead of gas trailing it. Space galaxy ESO 137-001 never had any sort of chance to survive when meeting up with big Norma, all due to the fact that it was just a lone galaxy going up against countless numbers. Galaxy cluster Abell 3627 has over thousands of different galaxies held together because of gravity. The Hubble took note of all this as the violent interstellar event occurred. The galaxy cluster was enclosed by hot gases and starting working on destroying galaxy ESO 137-001 and its young stars with a vengeance. In the Hubble photographs, the young stars along with gas are seen being torn away from the spiral galaxy by Norma and the blue streaks are very apparent. The Norma Cluster is situated very close to a strange part of space which is called the Great Attractor. This area of the cosmos has an unbelievably strong gravitational pull which is drawing in not only the galaxy cluster know as Virgo to it, it is also yanking on the Milky Way and numerous other galaxy clusters as well. What is behind such a force is not known at this time. The Great Attractor is positioned behind the Milky Way, and dust and gas from the middle of Earth’s own galaxy is obstructing any sort of view there might be of what could be behind the force that is yanking on all such galaxies at about 37 miles per second, but it is thought that there is a super massive cluster of galaxies back there. However that is only a theory. By ESO 137-001′s having this done to it, it is actually leaving the possibility of the birth of new stars in the violent wake, but because this galaxy has lost so much planetary fuel in such a brutal way, it is most likely that it will have trouble making any new stars in the future. The Hubble Space Telescope was definitely witness to something extremely vicious as it recorded the coiled galaxy known as ESO 137-001 getting ripped apart as it tried to push its way through the galaxy constellation Abell 3627, which is also known by the name the Norma Cluster. Read more at guardianlv/2014/03/fabric-of-space-time-seen-getting-viciously-torn-apart-by-hubble-telescope/#Sgb871Vy5cWfpIQ2.99
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 08:03:04 +0000

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