HAPPY KRISHNA JANMASTAMI TO ALL especially MY HINDU BRETHREN: As a matter of fact life should actually be interesting everyday where we find people who hate us, persecute us and kill us. The reason is because God in His goodness and love still allows the devil to take her free choice of trying to destroy God’s beautiful creation and there are these STUPID AND IDIOTIC HUMANS WHO WILL CO-OPERATE WITH the devil by denying their conscience. They do not know what it means to be like God. Had they known it then they would never leave God because the joy we find as a result of being addicted to God is beyond the human grasp. God strongly desires that we all are accessible to that ‘special feeling of love in us forever’ without a break. Any human from earth who hates us, doubts us, does the worst to us no matter whether he or she is from our own blood, our soil or from abroad, is just a stimulant to test our FAITH in God. By reasoning we know that such people who are the cause of our suffering are doing the wrong but who are we to give the comment or the judgment when HE Himself doesn’t? All we got to do is to shut our mouth in smile and just love them more and more in prayer with pity and compassion for them because they might not have their eternal reward unless by our forgiveness and mortifications for them. Instead of that some of us are trying to expect them to be a better human and grow impatient to lose our own connectivity with God. They have taken their choice to disrespect themselves and others and we might even lose our earthly life because of their choice but that but that does not decrease “our freedom of will” to choose to remain WHO WE ARE in Him. AS A MATTER OF FACT THE DEVIL AND HER HUMAN (mostly ignorant) FOLLOWERS SHOULD BE INTERESTING BECAUSE IT IS AS IMPORTANT AS AN EXAMINATION TEST OUR WORTH. Let us respect them and die for them if they so demand instead of misusing the democratic ideals and constitutional rights to earn our physical security while selling our souls for the probably excited devil (because she feels so insecure and that is damn pathetic!!!!). it is called doing the right thing for a wrong purpose. It is true I agree with what You all are probably thinking i.e. ‘God created the universe so that there may be peace, harmony and love among all HIS creatures and further beautified by the HUMANS who are HIS masterpieces.’ There is a strong desire in all of us (especially those who are reading this because you didn’t bounce upon this writing by mere chance. It is part of your destiny as per the choices you have taken for yourself by yourself. We may even meet face to face and be discussing the truth of this line somewhere anytime from now. BE PREPARED! Birds of the same feather can’t but flock together.) … I repeat, there is a strong desire in all of us that what GOD HAS PLANNED SHOULD BE FULFILLED AND MUST BE FULFILLED. We want it to be fulfilled so badly right now in front of our eyes. We are driven even to the point of asking ‘WHY CAN’T IT BE?’ ‘HOW DARE THE DEVIL AND THESE WICKED HUMANS KEEP ON TEARING UP GOD’S OWN BEAUTIFUL PLANET?’ ‘WHY DON’T THEY UNDERSTAND?’ ‘WHEN WILL THEY CHANGE?’ ‘IS THERE REALLY GOD?’ ‘SHALL I END MY OWN LIFE AND FIND OUT WHAT LIES ON THE OTHER SIDE?’ etc… etc… etc… etc… our virus is IMPATIENCE, EGO, PRIDE and FEAR. Buddha says this morning, “When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.” He means that nothing is going wrong. Not the universe. It is you and only you who is/are trapped in your own wrong mindset. Time has changed, science has developed, humans have increased, evil seems to have increased tripled, JESUS CHRIST seems to have no relevance today, BUT even I, P M JOACHIM JACK (one among the 7 billions) SREAM OUT LOUD FROM THE TOP OF MY LUNGS THAT “THE CHOICE” IS THE SAME WHETHER TO “BE WHO WE ARE” OR ‘mediocrity’ and ‘loser’. Gandhiji carried the same shit we shit in a much more harsher times under the foreign demons and so do every great humans in the history AND YET THEY ALL ENDURED AND EXERCISED THEIR FREEDOM OF CHOICE TO “BE WHO THEY ARE” AND DIED “BEING THEM.” TAKE A LITTLE TIME TO LISTEN TO ALL THE “VOICES” OF THE GREAT HUMANS FROM THE ANCIENT TO THE LATEST PRESENT (including the ‘tiny voice’ of my own), THEY SAY THE SAME AND ONLY ONE THING, “!!!!BE AND HELP THOSE NOT!!!!” WE HAVE NO OTHER MISSION NO BETTER VISION. How blessed are we today with the freedom to express! You know what I am feeling right now? I AM TERRIBLY ANGRY WITH A ROARING LAUGHTER AT OURSELVES IN THE WAY WE ARE RUSHING FOR HAPPINESS WHERE THERE IS NO HAPPINESS. It is like the animals in the TV (on Animal Planet) dashing wildly for the river infested with crocs JUST BECAUSE ALL ARE GOING. My school is supposed to be shining with EXCELLENCE AS A WAY OF LIFE. There may be many factors and people who are not contributing to make this goal a reality. What is my choice? What is your choice? – ANSWER IT WITH YOUR LIFE IF YOU BELONG TO ANY RELIGION OR BELIEVE IN ANY GOD. You then are worth working together with and I will live and die for you. If not, my choice remains the same. But the consequence will differ and let the future tell what that difference is. MY DEAREST BELOVED FRIENDS, “HAPPINESS” IS RIGHT WITHIN US RIGHT NOW. I HAVE FOUND IT TOO AND I WANT TO SHARE IT WITH YOU BUT THERE IS NO WAY I CAN GIVE YOU UNTILL YOU STRIVE FOR IT. Just as Shiv Khera says, we can only inspire people, they HAVE TO MOTIVATE THEMSELVES. So, the ACTING is yours. WISH YOU ALL THE BEST. YOU MAY CALL ME ANYTIME IN 9436679215 TO REALLY TALK OVER AND LEARN MORE ABOUT WHAT IS REAL. To repeat the same old words, THEY ARE ‘INTANGIBLE’! I love you all eternally. GOD BLESS.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 03:48:26 +0000

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