HARMONY WITH OUR EMOTIONS? With the “grand trine” between - TopicsExpress


HARMONY WITH OUR EMOTIONS? With the “grand trine” between Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Cancer, humanity will be going through a lot of loops filled with social, economic and political retrogrades that will have some profound emotional effects on our collective psyche. Now that Mars has moved into Cancer intensifying the stellium, the slow moving effect of the year of the snake has begun to move forward. Keep in mind that the snake has a dual nature that is best depicted on the caduceus of Mercury. The bite from one snake may harm you and the anti-venom from the other may cure you. Mercury is retrograde at least three times a year for more than 9 weeks total. Mercury is retrograde at least three times a year for more than 9 weeks total. MERCURY RETROGRADE: AFTERMATH OR EMOTIONAL HEALTH EXAM? As we experienced the mishaps, mashups and miscommunications of mercury retrograde, in the next few weeks, focus on creating a tool kit of various responses to challenges while the mess that was created straightens itself out over the next few weeks. Instead of simply reacting with emotional expression, consider responding with the intellectual intent to resolve your challenges. Use the force of your passions as a stabilizing foundation instead of the disabling approach of embracing the emotional distress from your past encounters. The more we react, the more we may regress toward self-victimization. The more we respond with affirmative actions, the more effective we may be in taking steps towards empowering ourselves to create our own happiness and success on the foundation of personal and collective sovereignty. The grand water trine between Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter hits its peak on July 29th a week after Mercury comes out of retrograde. Please expect to continue to develop your personal tool kit for turning less productive emotional expression into a constructive call for action. Jupiter will square with with Pluto on August 7th and with Uranus on August 20th providing the opportunity to master the art of emotional communication brought to you by Mercury in Retrograde in the zodiac sign of Cancer. MARS AND ACTING ON EMOTION Since Mars is the planet of action, motivation, conflict management and energy, understand and respect that people will be a bit more adversarial and defensive while he travels through Cancer. Since Jupiter is part of this traveling entourage, you can expect all thoughts, actions and emotions to expand in the grandiose manner that the “king of the gods” is known for. However you choose to respond, the healing power of Chiron will ensure that everyone cultivates the seeds of wisdom necessary, to spontaneously co-create an oasis of peace and tranquility within any desert of disillusion. ASTROLOSOPHY In the philosophy of Astrology, FULL MOON energy represents the ideal time to try to accomplish the things that you started during the New Moon. Since the last new moon was in Cancer, consider this a “rebirth” of Mother moon because Cancer is the sign that la luna reigns supreme. (The Moon “rules” Cancer). The rays of the full moon in Aquarius, represent the purifying rains of unity consciousness and the cosmic symbiosis of all sentient beings with the divine.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 11:01:43 +0000

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