HAVE EVER ASKED YOURSELF WHY OFFICERS COMMIT SUICIDE?Well,allow me to tell a story of an Ap called Mundurume.To start with,just look at your hand,you have five fingers, right?Are they of the same size?NO! But they belong to your hand.The same case applys to our hearts and courage thats how our creator The Most High created us.Some of us are light hearted.Munduru me got lucky and won himself a job in 2008 as Ap kali (as we call ourselves) .After graduating from APTC he was posted to Isiolo.He worked diligently in his first posting but during the weekend and on end month he would jump into Midcity(a local bar) and eat life!In mid 2009,after the next lot of officers graduated he was transfered to Eldoret.In Eldoret life was so different,there were no security operation,no following of stolen livestock and many different working conditions from those of Isiolo.One day Mundulume was deployed to guard Co- op bank in Eldoret.While doing his job of the day he thought to himself,After all this eating of life from Isiolo to this place of the famous athletes,I think I should settle down and find myself a beautiful girl to marry.Mundurume called a meeting amongest himself (akajiita kamukutano)and decided that was the way forward.As fate could have it there was this girl visiting her sister who was married to an Ap officer in the Apline now and then.Mundulume started threwing sentences(kutupa mistari) and finally the girl accepted him.He married her and after a few months they were blessed with a baby boy.By then Mundurume had earlier applied for a loan in one of the banks.When the loan matured they ate life with his newly wedded wife as much as they could before the baby was born.Sometimes after the baby was born Mundurume was transfered to another post and then to another all within Eldoret.Life went on,with a transfer here,a patrol there the usual Aps work.Then one day(after calling a meeting amongst himself)Mundurume decided he could not keep shifting with his wife from place A to place B.So He took his wife to his rural home.Mundulume returned to work(after solving that domestic problem) and continued working as usual.It was hard at first but he got used to living alone and doing all his household chores all by himself.He could ask for a passleave and visit his young family in his rural home.Sometimes he could send them the little he earned instead of spending it as fare to travel all the home.That is when he discovered that the money he used to eat life with was not even enough to support him and his family!His wife also noticed a change in their life style because she could ask for money from her husband and it was not forthcoming as it used to.So wrangles started between them.Mundulume suspected his beautiful wife was seeing his agemate neighbour who was a manger in a well paying company behind his back while he was away at work.His wife too suspected Mundurume had found himself a mistress since the wife was away.You can guess what the marriage was now like.Back at work Mundurume decided enough was enough with this marriage shit,I should go home and solve this problem with my wife.He went to his commander to ask for permission and he was met with the famous Hakuna strength shit.Mundurume had no otherwise but wait for strength to come back,so that he could be given the long awaited permission.The following week Mundurume was given the permission,and as usual he filled in the matching order with the usual PURPOSE:- SOLVING DOMESTIC PROBLEM/ISSUES! Sure enough there was a domestic problem waiting for him at home.On arriving home his happy to see him but not the usual happy.Mundurume looked at her keenly,something seemed out of the ordinary.Either she is angry with me or something is seriously wrong,Mundurum e thought to himself.Evening came and they sat while taking their supper together,talking to each sorting out whatever differences they had.All along Mundurume could sense a rat in the midst of all that conversation.Then came bed time,Mundurume decided to give thanks to himself(kujirudishia shukrani) but his wife denyed him the fruits of Eden.Mundurume enquired what was going on but his wife could not answer him.He got very angry and decided to beat the hell out of his wife but before he could do it his wife started talking tears running down her cheeks.Let me tell you something and before I start please forgive meShe said.Why should I forgive you? Asked Mundurume impatiently.I wont give you what you want because im not feeling well.Alright thats not a big issue my dear I will take you to a doctor tommorrow,Mundurume assured her.The following day they went to a local dispensary to check what was the matter.They were referred to the lab to a few test done on her.The lab result came out after some minutes of waiting.His wife had an STI !!Mundulume felt like skinning her alive.How the hell can you explain this to me?He asked her,who have you been seeing benind my back? Im I not good enough for or is it just for the money?So many question without answers.The wife was treated and went home together.You can guess the mood at home when they arrived. Mundulume went back to his working station after the expiry of famous 7 days pass.Back at work things were no easy for him,he was transfered to another post where he had to share a house with a married colleague.Things were more worse at night when the man of the house (who was married to woman who happens to come from a tribe that knows how to appreciate the football) decided to give thanks to himself.Mundurume couldnt sleep,the thought of his unfaithful wife and the noise coming from the other side of the curtain were more than enough to keep him awake.I cant live in this house anymorehe thought to himself.The following morning he went to the incharge of the new post inorder to ask for permission to rent a house of his own outside the camp With the little he had left of his little pay after the famous PAYE,WCPS,BANK LOAN had eaten the better part of his payslip.Not forgeting a wife at home and parents who needed his financial support.But the new boss refused.Something might happen you in that house outside the camp,and im not ready to be asked your questions by the Dapc!Tell me why Mundurume should not take a gun and paint the walls of his cold sentry box with his brains?Im not saying suicide is the answer to our problems.All I want to put across is:-It takes courage,a strong heart and advice from others after sharing your problems with them for you not to contemplate suicide.-Suicide is not the answer.-Dont run away from you problems.-Be a man enough and face them.-Its not only you,everybody has problems,some similar others unique.-If we all decided to kill ourselves because of our problems,who would be left to serve our dear country?Instead of taking a gun and killing yourself,let a friend talk you to death and am very sure advice from friends and relatives wont kill you!!HAVE A THOUGHTFUL DAY.WONT YOU?
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:29:06 +0000

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