::HAyle I :: i an i have been gifted with a divine birth name - TopicsExpress


::HAyle I :: i an i have been gifted with a divine birth name (hereditary title) from His Imperial Majesty, through my ( Mesfin Haile )biological father who met an befriended HIM in Ethiopia, in the 1970s the prophet muhammad peace upon him instructed muslims to never shed blood in ethiopia and to never harm ethiopians, that ethiopia should be the land of saftey in between the land of war and the land of peace in this armagiddeon tenestellen (GREETINGS) family, how be the i today tselam ne ... Igziabiher Masseganallo :: Give Thanks brethren I am a muslim who grew up under saftey as a refugee under Nyahbinghi Order under HIM Hailie I Selassie Ras Tafar I i an i have been gifted with a divine birth name (hereditary title) from His Imperial Majesty, through my biological father who met an befriended HIM in Ethiopia, in the 1970s the prophet muhammad peace upon him instructed muslims to never shed blood in ethiopia and to never harm ethiopians, that ethiopia should be the land of saftey in between the land of war and the land of peace in this armagiddeon the name Mesfin (Royal Christian Duke) is on the Ethiopian Crown Council wwebsite, and it says that this is a hereditary title, in which i an i must diplomatically claim my indigenous identity as an Ethiopian Noble in world trade (commerce) and that in Ethiopia there is a Righteous King who is Just and wrongs nobody :: Hayle I Selassie Ras Tafari :: ALSO, if it wasnt for the Emperor of Ethiopia in the prophet Muhammed (pbuh) time, Islam might have never grown and flourished as iit is today This name of The I comes From God... Hayle I YES FAMILY Yes Iyah he is the one that gifted me (Ethiopian Messiah) absolute sovereign power (human rights knowledge) and divine ecclesiastical authority with the blessing of a divine name (hereditary title) we have a title that was given to Adam upon his creation... the word is Khalifah...this mean Representative or Rightful Ruler, Adam was Khalifah for The Most High on Earth and the second Adam is our Universal Redeemer (Lion of Judah Banker) and diplomatic savior for ALL the muslims we are awaiting the establishment of The Khalifiah under a Black Flag with Black Standard you mean the ecclesiastical RESURRECTION of the ancient Christian Solomonic Dynasty as the Imperial Crest of the Solomonic Dynasty represents the three Abrahamic Faiths, Islam, Judaism , Christianity In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Allah! There is no God but He, the Living, the Self-subsisting, the Eternal. No slumber can seize Him, nor sleep. All things in heaven and earth are His. Who could intercede in His presence without His permission? He knows what appears in front of and behind His creatures. Nor can they encompass any knowledge of Him except what he wills. His throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them, for He is the Highest and Most Exalted. Seal Of Solomonic Dynasty what about he who diplomatically CONQUERS to inherit all ecclesiastical things, as it says in revelations about the one given a new name, that no one KNOWS but the one receiving ot a divine name (hereditary title), just as Emperor Haile Selassie I was gifted his divine name (hereditary title) from Emperor Menelik, who was head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church at the time His Majesty Ascended The Throne he ecclesiastically prepared the way for our diplomatic ascension from underneath global IMF apostasy of today if the Emperor NEVER ascended the throne of David and gifted universal human rights law of fundamental equality for all, then wouldnt be in cyber-space seeking to peacefully DEPOSE global Jesuit Supremacy FRAUD (IMF globalization policies) muslim we are waiting for The Madhi and Christ to return to slay the Masih Dajjal The False MEssiah who will lie and tell people he is a prophet Christ and God and will attempt to sit in The Throne OF David and Solomon/HIM Throne Solomonic Throne... So we await Madhi to enter with The Khalifah for all mankind and Madhi will be pursued by Masih Dajjal in a Armagideon and Masih Dajjal will get jook up and trampled by Isa/Christ when he descend InshAllah Igziabiher Faqad we have the only diplomatic solution to IMFpollution, which is to CHARGE these criiminal Jesuit Banks for commercial oppression and political exploitation in global commerce, as no head of state can speak against the pope and his jerks (bankers) Seen , these enemies you speak of are to us muslims the army and organization of Dajjal and the peoples fight the I is reasoning about muslim sight up as The Khalifah and we are the Righteous warriors of Madhi what jurisdiction are these charges brought up to, UN? Allahu Akbar The Ansaar Allah - The Helpers OF Allah 193 member nation states are responsible for implementing universal human rights, and as we can all see, they have drastically failed humanity because this artifical global world domination Jesuit crisis Black Khalifah :: Ethiopia Solomonic King (ecclesiastical private diplomat) of CYBER-SPACE in universal human rights deed (works) spread the good diplomatic news far and wide family, as we need moral supporters to peacefully overcome this 3rd world Jamaican economy, so that in collective security under international law, we can demand the international justice that we all wish for Collective Security for I surity collective security (all for one Kristos & one Kristos for ALL) was set by the Emperor himself, so for anyone to access international private diplomacy, they have to come with political supporters with them Judgement (decision making time) on House of Elect - Sunday 6th of July,...: youtu.be/HEVapd6m_q8 via @YouTube PEACEFUL non-violent protest for universal recognition (diplomatic immunity) in global trade (commerce)...: youtu.be/DlK1LTGZn50 via @YouTube May 15th, Universal Human Rights JUDGMENT DAY for the Government of Jamaica! youtu.be Give Thanks for the personal and House Reasoning Iyah August 4th, 6:49pm anytime family, as we have to be prepared when this global system of coorruption collapse, as people would rather see some type of self destruction, instead of a lawful separation (diplomatic rapture) under international human rights law of fundamental equality for all August 4th, 8:41pm i agree Mesfin August 5th, 7:48am well, we have to stand up against global Jesuit fascism, so that the oresent and future generations will have a chance for universal human rights knowledge leads to absolute political power, but only if used properly can ones and ones claim sovereignity under this seal? here is what our credentials (autonomous diplomat passport) look like, and research gary davis on the youtube from world passport authority, as he explains who human beings have the freedom of conscience to create your own identiy. kinda like the supreme pontiff fake identity, after scriptures said to call no man on earth Father, for one is your Father Majesty in heaven (ecclesiastical Empire of Ethiopia) YES, but we have to get recognition FIRST from the voice of the people under this global capitalistic nightmare recognition in what form the moment i an i am received as the voice of the peoples universal human rights ambassador (servant for humanity) from the debt free Kingdom of Debre Zeit (new land-locked nation state - new human rights instutiion on Jamaica territory), .... recognition as in diplomatic immunity from the bankrupt nation state that we DID NOT VOTE for, nor have any CONFIDENCE in a babylonian system that recognizes the pope as god the politicians in Jamaica dont even realize that the universal declaration of human rights charter is a double edged sword. as article 21.3 gives the voice of the people supreme authority, as it states, the will of the people shall be the basis of government authority and article 30, which says no one can take away your universal human rights (diplomatic privileges) in global commerce of today so a politician who NEGLECTS to fulfill his duties as a State representative, becomes liable for political NEGLIGENCE, as WE KNOW OUR REMEDY, so he cannot fake pretend plausible deniability its kind of a challenge to gather the grassroots people out in the streets of kingston jamaica, as these Jesuit bankers have turned this society into a Jesuit pirate haven (den of IMF robbers) the people are willing to do anything for a paper dollar, while freedom from mental slavery to these Jesuit bankers, universal liberty to exercise with autonomy, and the universal human rights (diplomatic privileges) of humanity, these mean little to the ignorant, hungry, the bad-housed this is the time for Jacob (younger generation) to diplomatically stand up, and peacefully depose this global Jesuit system of IMF usury in universal love (oBEDIENCE TO UN LAW OF EQUALITY) with this autonomous Christian Solomonic Seal, i an i am the ONLY individual who can diplomatically charge the vatican unholy seer (false pope profit) for real, as the most prodigal Son of the universal human rights Law-giver and Emperor of Ethiopia we are not seeking fame and glory family, for if we didnt have a divine Ethiopian birth name (hereditary title) from birth, then we wouldnt even know what a hereditary title (Solomonic Seal) is worth WHO IS THE ANTI-CHRIST? but those who say that Iyesus Kristos (Jesus Christ) does not come in the flesh (political status), even as a universal human rights PROPHET present himself August 10th, 11:29pm we need to generate some ecclesiastical attention in the media, as we are being black balled down here in this jesuit system in jamaica today Slm alykm - Hyle I walakum salam, tenestellen (greetings) family tselam na Family* we want to run down on the US embassy for universal recognition (diplomatic immunity), but we need grassroots people to be peacefully demonstrate with we IgziAbiher Faqad InshaaAllah for the voice of the people represent the sovereign Lord (political master) in any given democracy, and not just jesuit trained politicians that are taught to deceive we so what can i do spread the word far and fast, that our Ethiopian Messiah is here and READY to ecclesiastically CHALLENGE the vatican unholy seer (false pope profit) for his vicarship position of apostasy for i an i am the Only individual who can legally and lawfully CHARGE the pope for international FRAUD and identity THEFT, as he does not have a divine name (hereditary title) linking him to the Solomonic Dynasty so you are a prophet? however, as this is a Jesuit DOMINATED politically backward society in Jamaica today, we can use it as Ethiopian Holy Scriptures say, that we should use a politically backward nation state, to ecclesiastically rise up against spiritual (intellectual) wickedness in high places an principalities,, such as the vatican unholy see (unlawful territory) by definition of the word, one who works for Elect of God the Father Majestys divine modern day scroll (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all, as Kristos is the very END of the Law truly , an Ethiopian Orthodox human rights PROPHET is not an IMF PROFIT under global apostay, and no one teaches fundamental equality with the pope at the papacy muslims will reject anyone who claims to be a prophet mwssiah of God prophet* messiah* God* and Christ will descend at Morning Tsalot/Slalat in saffron Yellow robes with two Injels and The Madhi will be his general who will re establish the Khalifah for mankind however, just as Moses lifted up the serpent (law-giver) in the wilderness, so shall the absolute divine Anointed Son of Humanity be ecclesiastically lifted up in global trade........will they REJECT him even he is the Only one who can legally and lawfully DISCHARGE (write off) fraudulent astronomical national debts, and establish a NEW WORLD LION OF JUDAH KRISTOS ORDER for humanitys sufferings under Jesuit hypocrisy no disrespect to the I, this is a personal and house reasoning guess you are right and we are wrong, as everyone KNOWS what Christ will LOOK like, while a real Ethiopian Messiah has to come along as a human rights thief in this Jesuit Supremacy nite (world domination) I agree with The I vision for Liberation and Equal Rights Justice and Collective security for Surity truly, no disrespect taken family, we love our Muslim family, as much as our tewahedo Christian family, and all religions of good faith and of antiquity Yes Iyah Good Over Evil Life Over Death Fire Burn The Beast as according to Ethiopian Holy Scriptures, ONLY the man (pope) of international lawlessness and commercial sin (transgressing UN law of equality), as he is the individual sitting in the Universal Redeemer (Lion of Judah Banker) and diplomatic saviors international position TODAY we morally persuade the voice of grassroots people in rebellious jamaica, of their universal human rights to equality, and they will peacefully demonstrate if they KNOW that a private central bank will bea part of their compensation today we just need sum assistance to peacefully gather rassroots people at Kings house in Jamaica, so that we may peacefully open ye gates, so that the Emperor of Ethiopias ecclesiastical private diplomat (Solomonic King) may officially come and enter IN, global commerce) imagine how fast and far we would reach if we had an artist bussin the news with rapid fire lyrics if we FOCUS on the bankers that are criminals for VIOLATING humanitys universal human rights (diplomatic privileges) and public TRUST, we can assure ourselves of universal VICTORY for huamnity, as the Universal Judge (decision maker) is now here with us true music is a weapon keep in mind that ALL sovereign ecclesiastical Power (human rights knowledge) and divine Authority have been gifted untp the divine Anointed Son, and he is the exact same political image (Universal Redeemer - Lion of Judah Banker) and cultural likeness (Ethiopian Messiah) as His Father Majesty prior and also, Kristos (Christ) has to manifest himself with a h.e.a.r.t. (Heroic Endevours And Real Truths) of a child, so we can round up the hommies and break up these criminal international Jesuit bankers smiles OUT with a pedophile supporting pope, as a sic HOAX, and IN with a NEW universal human rights HOPE in Kristos, our Ethiopian SAGE for this new Aquarian Age of Reason seen even though we have a divine Ethiopian birth name (hereditary title) from the Emperors mouth himself, and even if we solved the ancient 5 mysteries (new truths) of the Ethiopian Orthodox Faith, and even if we renounced our debtor citizenship status to the bankrupt state, WE still have not PROFITTED anything under global IMF apostasy, without the voice of the peoples universal love (obedience to UN law of equality) brethren, then jamaican dollar is at 110 to 1 US dollar, and getting worse everyday. we need capital to buy the peoples international human rights VOTES, as there is NO OTHER candidate. with our diplmatic assistance and human rights guidance, we can create a super-natural political event, so as to get to the UN center-stage, where World Opinion will have a say we cant stop anything in global commerce, if we are not RECOGNIZED by the Voice of the People, under article 21.3, FIRST for i an i am the ecclesiastical gift that springs from the modern day sacred scroll (UN charter) , and without my sovereign ecclesiastical signature, NO ONE can stand againnst Rome i an i have a Solomonic Seal (divine name) for indigenous identity, and this will be the ecclesiastical diplomatic claim that will break up the evil machinations of these criminal Jesuit bankers at sea (international law) https://youtube/watch?v=nO0Pkj8eWtw https://youtube/watch?v=-vjePi4M4rc HERE, check out the youtube channel to hear what the voice of the messiah sound like and put aside superstition and f.e.a.r. (false expectations appearing real) family, as SOMEONE has to make an ecclesiastical diplomatic claim AGAINST the papacy, or they will just contiinue to VIOLATE all humanity under global Jesuit world domination schemes and Kristos is the very END of the universal human rights law of fundamental equality for all, so this isnt a power hungry person seeking to act in mock humility, as these jesuit vampires (abnkers0.. for Jah never gave global monetary power (knowledge) to no baldhead roman looking sage Ethiopian Christianity and Roman Catholicism is CLASHING today, as the vatican catholic church teach and preach that the Messiah died on a cross 2000 years ago as folly, for if universal human rights FAITH go along with universal human rights WORKS in human rights deeds (legal instruments), then show me Jesus faith and works in CONQUERING the vatican, and we will ecclesiastically SHOW and diplomatically PROVE our universal human rights FAITH, by our universal human rights works of global unification in law brethren, we do live in a global democracy (political choices), and as a political anomoly, we never VOTED for any human being to represent we in global trade. however, these backward politicians in Jamaica are only working a job for the queen, so we need the voice of the grassroots people to make it to the UN in Geneva\ if you live in the city, just let hommies on the block KNOW that international Justice can come in NO OTHER diplomatic way, other than by the voice of the people exalting the Emperor of Ethiopias most prodigal Son of Humanity in world trade fed money losing value everyday until the 1933 great depression repeats, but we can STOP these crimnals with a universal human rights ambassador (servant for humanity) for WE NO ONE by Jesuits VOTED for a pope, so NO ONE but street cats will VOTE for a universal Redeemer (Lion of Judah Banker) who will BREAK the false profit pope NO ONE BUT look, just as the Emperor guided and molded Malcolm X to create and establish the Organization for African American Unity (OAAU), before he transcended, so will i an i personally assist all who diplomatically assist to accomplaih the grand universal human rights works of global unification in law or RECONCILIATION to our Elect of God the Father Majestys UN charter (sacred covenant) of fundamnetal equality for all = 2 the pope equal private international diplomat status to the pope, IF we exercise our universal human rights in peaceful political works let the hommies Know that if the Emperor of Ethiopias absolute divine Anointed Son of Humanity is FOR US, who can be AGAINST us (humanity)?, besides Jesuit thieves (bankers) will link up in the lights family, as we running outta internet credit anyway, but wanted to request if any contribution could be sent for us to rigoursly proceed. for we have been in limbo since the may 15th protest, as the police inspector said they will get back to us, to make a formal complaint against the minister of foreign affairs for political negligence just let us know in the am, and we will give the i more info from then.much universal love (obedience to law of equality) and internatioonal peace family, as once one persom intellectually challenge this global esuit system of IMF usury and WIN, then all humanity will see it as a Noble thing to rejoice as constitutional VICTIMS, of mental slavery that is Thursday 10:30am tenestellen (greetings) family Tenestellen Tselam Slm alykm wrmtAllah as weve stated before, an Ethiopian Orthodox Human Rights PROPHET is NOT a profit underglobal IMF apostasy, nor do any Jesuit institution teach fundamental equality with the pope, underinternational human rights law whats this Brother? a human rights PROPHET is not an IMF profit under global apostasy, and the Prophet we didnt just send you any pic i was typin when this sign came up i pray The I , I sent it ok. the Prophet to come hasto come with NOTHING in his hands from global IMF apostasy can he bring, to the UN in Geneva, if diplomatic immunity is what he will SING article 42 of the vienna convention bars a private diplomat from professional or commercial services for profit, which is actually an accommodation under international law, as private diplomats have equal access to government services (central bank) it bars a private diplomat from using professional and commercial services for profit ? until we can morally persuade a peaceful human rights protest to stand united for this human rights cause, we have to commercially suffer with lackof resources to carry these political works on article 42 vienna convention yes, research the vienna convention on diplomatic relations and diplomatic intercourse vienna convention is annually? no, the 1961 international treaty it stands as is today they might celebrate it as unimportant,but it sets the standards for diplomatic protocal from ancient times till now 1961 Vienna convention on diplomatic relations and diplomatic intercoarse just as Garvey got his shine from international law, as slave masters never taught slaves how to become an ambassador over their own international political affairs at all ok so it still sets standard to diplomatic protocal till now what about credit card fraud who does that affect? the people or IMF and WIN VERY MUCH SO, which is how we created the debt free Kingdom of Debre Zeit by our Kristological PEACE TREATY that ecclesiastically challenges the1929 Lateran treaty in deed (works) brethren EVERYONE has been delivered up to global IMF debt, so it makes no sense judging other mental slaves, when mental slaves are unaware of their enslavement to worthless and inflationary instruments of debt Debt Free Kingdom of Debre Zeit by Christological Peace Treaty that ecclesiastically challenges 1929 Lateran Treaty deed YES,,,,,what about diplomatically standing up for fundamental equality under international human right slaw, there is international credit money, political power (human rights knowledge) and global respect, for conquering the papacy diplomatically standing up for Fundamental Equality under International Human Rights Law where there is International Credit Money Political Power Human Rights Knowledge and Global Respect for conquering Papacy of Rome we can do this together, and become world heros forever who will be the Khalifah? yes family, we know we are lousy with english words, as a part of My diplomatic immunity is suppose to come with my personal Amharic teacher, so we can learn our native tongue before we travel abroad to Ethiopia i an i am the 7 year old child of tremendous universal human rights Faith, as the Emperor of Ethiopia have Anointed Me with a divine Solomonic Seal, to break up the Jesuit Supremacy works of the se Jesuit thieves(bankers\ when a person baptizes into the Ethiopian Orthodox Faith, they are suppose to begin a new cultured life with diplomatic immunity as the gift of l.i.f.e. (living in full equality) for all humanity what bout armies lke Isis how they make people of other beleif outside there own pay tax on their belief for protection or they must revert or violence for punishment through quraanic Divine shariah law the Emperor is the One who gifted the Ethiopian Orthodox Faith autocephlous diplomatic status in world trade TODAY, so we can invoke his absolute sovereignity as His most prodigal Son of the human rights Law to date Autocephlous Diplomatic Status in World Trade under Sovereignity of HIM you see, if you focus on THEY are doing, then that means they are working on your brain. when instead, we can plan how to diplomatically CONQUER THEM, by political awareness of how universal human rights love (obedience to law of equality) will DESTROY thisJesuit global system this Jesuit Supremacy indoctrinating global system of hate we see credit money losing value everyday inside these crooked Jesuit banks, and no bankrupt debtor citizen serf can get international justice in local jurisdictions any day who control these banks what is the initiating stp towards freeing up these assets and equities step* but the Voice of the People, minus their oppressive political status under global apostasy, is the Only intellectual political weapon that will cut down the papacy The Voice of The People minus their oppresive political status under global apostacy our Universal Redeemer (Lion of Judah Banker) is theOnly One to CONTROL ALL CENTRAL BANKS, only fair,as every human being is bankrupt under dellusional nightmares, and the Redeemer (Lion of Judah Banker) mercifully redeems them from f.e.a.r. (false expectations appearing real) the Only ecclesiastical Reason Kristos (Christ) is diplomatically destined to be a modern day Solomonic King, is to attain His Father Majestys Glory (diplomatic immunity) to break up these Jesuits false Christ-type ring pedophile supporting ring seen fed money losing value inside these crooked banks anyway, so why not make a DIVESTMENT so we can help the global economy get SAVED. if we can get rebellious jamaican people to peacefully protest against Jesuit fascism in Jamaica, then as universal human rights apply to all, then every nation state will follow the only road, to break the federal reserve Jesuit mold, at the root so this gon be done through protest or through habeus corpus all we can offer is diplomatic immunity with us, as a honorary member of the Kingdom of Debre Zeit, which will FREE you from artificial debt so how bout the armagiddeon bust and Debre Zeit will be a place of Immunity for All members of human family? protest, as the judges are ignorant as all hell, as if they are not personally seeking their international human rights (diplomatic privileges), they feel puffed up with false jesuit knowledge that keeps them employed forlife YES, and simply put, we have a Kristological PEACE TREATY for all bankrupt nation states (legal fictions) to send representatives to sign, so as each nation state recognize our ecclesiastical diplomatic status under international law, their astronomical national debts will be DISCHARGED (written off) by the most prodigal son of the human rights law we have to focus on peacefully deposing the man of commercial sin (transgressing UN law of equality), as he is in humanitys ecclesiastical way for equal living kinda ironic how the most powerful jesuit pope will become openly EXPOSED and cast down to the UN treaty organization for World Opinion today what you mean by irony brethren? well, everyone, whether tacitly (agreement by silence) or by mutual consent , are conforming and complacent to this sic jesuit system of USURY so it will be ironic how the jesuit rulers (USURPERS OF HUMAN RIGHTS) of this bankrupt modern world of commerce, become openly EXPOSED and politically DEPOSED for violating fundamental equality of humanity today we will become ecclesiastical pioneers of this family, all we have to do is use this political backward nation state (Jamaica), to diplomatically rise up as a victimized mental slavery system to date, which is a VIOLATION of article 4, which PROHIBITS slavery in all its forms (imf globalization included0 only diplomatic compensation we can see, is a private central bank for 193 member nation states, WITH cultural and political autonomy, so we (humanity) may have equal and fair, free international bartering for humanity for each of the 193 member nation states, equal MONEY MINT family, it dont take much to break out in the media today, as we used 2500 US for the May 15th protest, and didnt have the resources to give anyone pay,,,,,PEACEFUL non-violent protest for unversal recognition (diplomatic immunity) in global trade (commerce)...: youtu.be/DlK1LTGZn50 via @YouTube the prophet Muhammed (pbuh) told the Emperor of Ethiopia in his day, YOUR God and My God is One God, but it is YOUR God who we Muslims worship (lawfully obey) when we say allah we know it is kind of impossible for human minds to receive a real manifestation of an Ethiopian Iyesus (Jesus) in human rights deed (works), but Ethiopian Holy Scriptures depict, that even if you do not believe in the divine Ethiopian testimony of the return (essence) Ethiopian Messiah in flesh (political status), then you become solely responsible for remaininb under artifical debt about an hour ago Tselam en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Gimghoul Order of Gimghoul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org giv thanks family8 what is this Mesfin? it says a secret society, did you read the wiki we have to FOCUS on the here and NOW, or be swallowed up by the Jesuit Supremacy cow (matrix) we have to establish a new ecclesiastical government, equal to the vatican unholy see, but through the voice of the people in collective security (all for one & one for all) under international human rights law, seeking real political c.h.a.n.g.e. - choosing humanity a new global economy The Order of Gimghoul is a collegiate secret society headquartered at Hippol (or Gimghoul) Castle in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.[1][2] The order was founded in 1889 by Robert Worth Bingham, Shepard Bryan, William W. Davies, Edward Wray Martin, and Andrew Henry Patterson, who were University of North Carolina students at the time.[3] The society is open to notable male students (rising juniors and higher), and faculty members by invitation. The society centers itself around the legend of Peter Dromgoole, a student who mysteriously disappeared from campus in 1833.[4][5] The founders originally called themselves the Order of Dromgoole, but later changed it to the Order of Gimghoul, in accord with midnight and graves and weirdness, according to archives.[3] Tradition has it that the order held to the Dromgoole legend and the ideals of Arthurian knighthood and chivalry. From all accounts, the order is social in nature, and is believed to have no clandestine agenda. Membership is closed and information about the order is strictly confidential as is access to archives less than 50 years old.[3] The meeting place of the order, Hippol Castle, was built in 1924 at a cost of nearly $50,000.[6] Thirteen hundred tons of rough stone were used in its construction giving it the appearance of a castle.[7] It is located at the end of Gimghoul Road, not far from Old Chapel Hill Cemetery on campus near Carmichael Auditorium.[8] According to real estate records, the 2.15-acre (8,700 m2) site is owned by a non-profit corporation entitled the Order of the Gimghoul and has a taxable value of over $1 million.[1][9] The Chris Gethard Show, a public access television show in New York, has filmed a number of exposés on the Order, none of which have substantiated any of the shows allegations.[10] giv thanks family, we read this already doesnt say much about diplomatically claiming your universal human rights (diplomatic privileges), to breakout of global IMF apostasy to live debt free? we are trying to manifest REAL political c,h,a,n,g,e, (choose Humanity A New Global Economy) brethren, i an i am more than a man of my word in human rights deed (works), but without an opportunity to peacefully protest for diplomatic immunity, we still need sum minor assistance to gather a street team we already left the country side to sojourn in east kingston Jamaica, as people are more politically motivated in the city, and ready for chang im working on itbrother as im typing im communicating this to other ones who are knowledgable in legalities legalities, good! please send them these affidavits, one is an administrative tort claim for the minister of foreign affairs neglecting to protect our human rights, and the other is a notice of authorization for the Administrator General Department, as we have to file an inheritance diplomatic claim to Abuna Yesehaq Estate Administrative Tort Claim.docx Notice of Authorization.docx for universal recognition (diplomaticimmunity) as His Anointed Son,as i an i am a baptized member of his autonomous flock in the west (Jamaica)
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 16:06:49 +0000

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