HIGHLIGHTS~BAD BLOOD ON TRIAL~~~~~ Bad Blood Outlines of Trial - TopicsExpress


HIGHLIGHTS~BAD BLOOD ON TRIAL~~~~~ Bad Blood Outlines of Trial and ADA Opening Arguments ADA Neal pushes away from the table eyeing the jury over hesitate to what may come from her mouth, taking her place at the podium “This isn’t an ordinary case. This case tested ones imagination causing the facts so bizarre that it is hard believing this wasn’t a staged act. A movie prop with characters playing the roles. It was and is reality with numerous loss of human lives by the hand of the accused who calls himself Bad Blood. Entering the house of the Lord to construct a murder plot but yet in his letters He condemns us faith followers of being a hypocrite! Defense attorney Charles Lyle Strom: “The prosecution is going to try to convince you that my client sees himself as a wanna be God of some sorts stating he builds human robots to convince us its like us…a human.” He laughed turning the page saying, “folks I am not making this up. The evidence they have is so bizarre that to comprehend will be your most trying part of this case. I’m not standing here blowing off the tragedies that have occur. The massive lost of life at the one place we all feel safe…in the arms of a church. It is no secret dark happening occurred deep within the bowel of the structure, pointing to ADA Neal as he continued, “They have evidence of the dark horror that occurred on each victim. My client did the only thing he could for our local law enforcement blew off concerns happening within the church, the boys home and let us not forget the eat evidence—” “I object your Honor!” shouted an outrage ADA. “What’s to object? It’s my opening statement. She will have time—” “Lawyers in my chambers,” demanded Judge Sandra Kay Benson. “Bailer remove the jury!” she snapped stepping down from her honor’s chair making pace to her office. Judge Benson dropped in the chair knowing more of these head banging arguments will occur in what is called the trial of the century. It’s best to take aspirin now. ADA Neal shoots fiery darts at Strom. “Eating evidence! That is a completely different case.” “Now Casey, as I look over your witness statements Shirley Rumcapp is one of your witness against my client and for what to save her own ass?” “Charles, Bad Blood had her tied to the meet slab preparing to chop her up alive, as bad as it makes me sick the law has to protect her too for he was in the process of skinning her alive when Agent Willis kicked through the back door.” Judge Benson glared at him over her glasses. “Charles, that was a low blow even for a top lawyer as you. No statements concerning Rumcapp’s trial is to disclosed in this trial and as Casey had said our law protect her and man does that leave a bad taste in my mouth, but she too a victim of Bad Blood.” She thumbs through pages not looking up as she tells a bailer, “I want to see Agent Willis. Now” “But she cannot come in here!” Strom demanded. Judge smiling removing her glasses motioning for the bailer to continue. “I can. I have questions and neither you or Casey can answer and most likely neither will she.” The question, your Honor?” asked Casey. “What is this man real name? I want his real name used in this courtroom.” “He legally changed his name,” stated Casey. “Uh-huh. What was his birth name?” Agent Willis walked in the bad door to the chambers not liking walking into the lawyers pit of rattlesnakes. “Agent, thank you for coming.” She nodded eyeing each one. “This…Bad Blood what was his birth name?” (Skip posting) “Odd,” Judge Benson said, not liking the odds of this case. She joins Willis at the window glaring down at the news media flooding the streets. She turned firmly saying, “This case is on Bad Blood. It is best that we use the name he has chosen or these news hounds will dig into cases or happening in this county that we wish not to be disturbed,” looking at Charles Strom. “I don’t believe I need go into detail of what your daughter is known around here. I for one rather not see a repeat of such goings…not on my watch.” She sits back behind her desk. “All pending cases surrounding witness that either of you may have does not in any way get summated into this trial. It is The State of Tennessee verses Bad Blood. Got it? Any questions. And Mr. Strom may I suggest that you redo your opening statement.” “Your, Honor, How can I explain his doing against Rumcapp without opening that case for we know why he did it. It is no secret he did take the law into his own hands.” Casey quick to say, “My deal is still on the table life without parole.” “He will never accept that offer.” He wipes the sweat from his brow as he said, “He told me this morning he will be taking the stand.” Willis turned facing him knowing that will not be good. “No. Talk him out of it. Make him see it is in his best interest.” “By law he has a right to be heard, Willis, and you know this, all of you know this.” “He’s right, Willis,” Judge Benson said with detest. “Now I must instruct the jury. Looking back over her shoulder saying, “and I do hope this will not be an everyday thing with this trial.” Copyright2013LisaSmith
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 21:27:08 +0000

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