The letter I was guided to write today to the Pastor at my - TopicsExpress


The letter I was guided to write today to the Pastor at my potential new home! Dear Rev Wesley Knight, My initial intention in contacting you has since shifted to one of awe. A constant awe……of how God divines the little details. Details that keep me humbled beyond words and in a state of gratitude so deep that tears flow often. Breathtaking is all I can muster up for words. A little background might put this into a better perspective of how I arrived at this point in the journey. Although I grew up attending a Lutheran church in my childhood and participating in a confirmation process around the age of 12, my walk with Christ and God was not yet personal. I, as many others went to church because our parents wanted us to know God, an introduction to the possibilities of a relationship if you will. It wasn’t until 911 that my Soul began an inner journey into a personal inventory of my life and what was really important to me. Everything seemed to get turned right side up and on January 27th, I heard God speak to me. The day prior I was pondering how grateful I was for those in my life, what I had accomplished so far and then I stepped back for a broader view and realized that all of those things were great, but I had a void within me that was the catalyst for me to ask God, what is this void???? It was the very next day that while out running through the streets of Atlanta, GA that I heard God say “Clear Your Mind, Awaken Your Soul”, three times. Then the voice said “This is the title of a book you are going to write.” I was elated! I knew who I was hearing and it blew my mind! A few more steps and I heard “I’ve given you the keys, now run with it.” Okay, I had just stumbled over a set of keys in the road and I picked them up and ran with them. But there was more to it than that! The keys had a keychain attached and it had a church on it. I took this as a sign that this was where I was supposed to go celebrate this new experience. About three weeks passed and my best friend Natalie, whose parents were missionaries in Ivory Coast, West Africa, accompanied me on my visit with one of the staff at 2nd Ponce De Leon Baptist Church. After sharing my experience with them, their jaw dropped. I later learned that the church had just gone through a split and were praying for healing for the congregation and staff. I jumped in with both feet and 4 months later, joined the team on a mission planned for Budapest Hungary where we taught Gypsy children Vacation Bible School for 5 days. It was the most amazing and transformational gift I could ever ask for as most cherished memories. I was very, very active in the church and was extremely grateful for everything I had learned to lay the foundation in my walk with Christ. I was baptized in June of 2002. Approx one year later, I moved to California and have yet to find a church. I have prayed about it numerous times, but each time God says “Kimberlee, you are in church 24/7 with me, you don’t need to limit yourself to a building on Sunday.” I humbly accept yet another profound response from God. God works in mysterious ways is normal for me! Since 2006, I chose to awaken each day asking “How can I most effectively and efficiently Be Your Hands and Feet?” I then allow God to work through me. This has moved me way beyond any comfort zones imaginable. Now an author of seven children’s books thestarpals , cofounder of acalltoactions , public speaking, serving humanity in ways that are hardly fathomable…..I can only give ALL the Glory to God and continue to walk in God’s Love. 2013 was a very impactful year in my personal journey and the message God continually impresses upon me is “Model It, Kimberlee!” How I came to reach out to you is even more of a mystery. You see, in yet another miraculous way, I met my husband Bobby Lee Vaughn Jr. earlier this year. We met through the divine orchestration of the work God set before us with A Call to Actions. Bobby was investigating the dangers of nuclear storage barrels in his home town in Southern Illinois. We had just begun our radio debut with A Call to Actions and Bobby was interviewed in March this year. We now live in Newport Beach a few miles from your church. We were doing some investigating on the dangers of cell towers and the radio frequency emitters that are plaguing this nation in ways that are an abomination to God. When looking into the details of a cluster of towers on Harbor Blvd, we stumbled across the tower that is housed inside the steeple of Harbor Christian Church. We came over and took a few pictures, then called the number on one of the signs. Since then, we created a flyer to alert the congregation and surrounding community to the dangers of the microwave frequencies that can not only harm those coming into the vicinity of these things, but can even cause cancer! After making a few phone calls, we found out another tower is being assembled next to the steeple, disguised as a eucalyptus tree. It is actually being built as I type this!!!! After thinking deeply about how to protect the men, women and children from these known dangers, God placed it on my heart to reach out to you. I then searched out and found the website. I read your June 2014 blog and many triggers led me to believe that Harbor Christian Church could possibly be where God has found me a new home, a home I have been asking for for the last eleven years! Some of those triggers were “love in action…”, “Disciples of Christ”, “How we proceed will reflect how we choose to model the love of God to the world.”, “But if I know one thing for certain it’s that there are many here among us also hearing God’s calling, and who are resolved to continue participating in the ongoing process of transforming HCC into a church that fully embodies the mantra that “ALL MEANS ALL.” Please know that we will move forward as Disciples, hand in hand and in a spirit of love, understanding and consensus. But in the days ahead many among us will also embrace another, equally important disciple’s commitment to speak and act prophetically on this questions of what it means to live free without judging others and embracing them just as Jesus embraces us all.” Now that ^^^^^^^^ made me cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so impressed by your innerstanding of what true love in action looks like and how to model God’s love for ALL!!!!!!!!!! Bobby and I would like to sit down with you at your earliest convenience. I can be reached via email at kimbosun99@yahoo or via cell phone 714-336-7945. We look forward to meeting with you. God Bless You in ALL that You DO! Kimberlee & Bobby
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 23:34:34 +0000

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