HIS PROMISE TO PROVIDE Key Passage: Phil. 4: 19/ Supporting - TopicsExpress


HIS PROMISE TO PROVIDE Key Passage: Phil. 4: 19/ Supporting Scripture: Ps. 37: 4; 81: 8, 10, 16; 84: 11 / Prov. 3: 5-6 / Isaiah 64: 4/ Matt. 6: 8 25-26, 33-34; 7: 11 / Mark. 11: 24/ Ephes. 3: 20 / Phil. 4: 10-19/ 2 Thess. 3: 7-11/ Titus 3: 14 / James 4: 3 How do you meet your needs? Are you a self-sufficient person? Do you try toy manipulate others so they give you what you want? Or have you learned to depend on the Lord to meet your needs? Throughout Scripture, God promises to provide for those who faithfully follow Him. Story after story demonstrates the Father’s amazing ability to satisfy His children physically, emotionally, and spiritually. God assumes full responsibility for our needs when we obey Him. When our requests seemingly go unanswered, we must prayerfully evaluate ourselves. Why? Without realizing it, we may be blocking the answer to our prayers. What does the Bible say? God’s Word promises that our heavenly Father will take care of you and me. In Matt. 6: 25-26, Jesus told His disciples not to worry about food or clothing. He taught that if God watches over the birds of the air, how much more does He care for us? Psalm 84: 11 promises, “No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” When we place our trust in Him, the Lord provides the very best for us ( Ps. 81: 10, 16). The Old Testament saints saw God’s faithfulness time after time. The Lord told Abraham that he would have a son. The patriarch wondered how this could possibly happen, since he was nearing 100 years old and his wife, Sarah, was almost 90 years of age. But one year later, Isaac was born. God promised to go with Moses and deliver His people from Egyptian bondage- and that’s exactly what happened. We can have confidence that when the Father makes a promise, He always brings it to pass. When our needs aren’t met, what might be going wrong? We fail to distinguish between a need and a want. Psalm 37: 4 states that God is interested in fulfilling the desires of our hearts-especially those that contribute to the kind of person He wants each of us to be. When a need goes unmet, we should evaluate if it is truly a necessity. Ask the Father to help you discern between your needs and wants. Remember that He knows our needs before we even ask ( Matt. 6: 8). Pray that he will change your desires so they are in line with His will for you. We claim-Scripture-but out of context.Philippins 4: 19 says, “My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. “ People often forget the words “in Christ Jesus.” Why is that phrase so important? The apostle Paul used it throughout the New Testament to indicate the relationship we have with our Savior. Yes, God supplies our needs and answers our prayers-but only when we are walking in obedience. This promise doesn’t apply to those who are living in rebellion towards Him. Sometimes, the Lord will postpone answering our prayers until He can deal with an area of sin in our lives. He blesses those who “walk uprightly.” those who aren’t necessarily perfect, but whose hearts are turned towards Him ( Ps. 84: 11). We don’t ask. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”(Matt. 7: 7 ). Do you go to the Lord with your requests? If not, you can’t expect to receive the things from Him that you ask. However, be sure your motives are pure because the Father will not reward selfishness ( James 4: 3). We fail to do our part. God will not do for you what you are equipped to do for yourself. For example, you should work ( 2 Thess. 3: 7-11). Unless you have a disability that makes you unable to have a job, don’t expect others to take care of you. I am no exception. Every week, I must devote myself to studying the Word of God and preparing a message in order to provide for the needs of my congregation and to be productive in my own life ( Titus 3: 14). We fail to wait on God’s timing. For example, perhaps the Lord has given you an assurance that He picked out a spouse for you. But years pass and nothing seems to happen. Don’t get impatient; the Father is preparing that person for you- getting him or her ready for marriage. Don’t rush into something or try to pressure the Lord. People miss out on many wonderful gifts because they fail to wait on God’s timing. We must be open to His channel. Don’t tell the Lord how He should meet your need. That’s like telling friends what kind of present you’d enjoy-when they haven’t even asked what you want. Sometimes God will provide through people you don’t know well or in ways that you least expect. Look with eyes of faith, and you won’t miss His best. We fail to focus on the right thing. When you constantly think about your need, it becomes larger and larger in your mind, and the Lord seems smaller and smaller. Jesus said, “Seek first [God’s ] Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” ( Matt. 6: 33). This means we should make honoring the Father our primary goal. When we do, we won’t have to worry about getting our basic needs met. Simply love God and let Him provide. We fail to trust Him. Our Savior promised, “All things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you” ( Mark 11: 24 ). If God has confirmed He’ll meet your need, then you can walk with confidence and assurance that He will do it. The lowest level of faith says, “I know He could.” That’s where most people live. The next level states, “I believe He will.” The kind of faith we are talking about proclaims, “It’s finished. I’ve asked Him, and He said, ‘Yes.’ So I’m living as if it is just a matter of time until it comes to pass. Once God has revealed that He will grant your request, stop wondering if it’s ever going to happen. If the Lord promised it, He will provide. Believing this helps you live in perfect peace. Conclusion: If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you have a heavenly Father who is committed to meeting your needs. But what should you do when it seems God isn’t working on your behalf? Fall on your knees before Him and pray, “Lord, show me where I am going wrong.” Even when the Father seems far away, He never stops working in your life. God will be faithful to meet your needs- at just the right time and in His perfect way. He is able to do “far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think” ( Ephes. 3: 20 ). The Lord delights in giving you His very best. Simply obey God and leave all the consequences to Him.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 18:32:38 +0000

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