HORN MARGIN SALVATION HORN MARGIN BLOWN By Wendy Chasteen November 5, 2013 Re: Flexibility Margin Up Heads And Over Bowel In American Sea Change Esteemed. If the price were right a car would be behind door number four. You’ve got scammers collecting boats and cars for the poor and needy whom never give. Salvation needs no reprobate army full of degenerate insolent thieves. Good will walked off with Rousseau never. Toward men is no just venture. They aim at Horn for G-d. They save themselves a bundle and a half. If you knew what went and came through door number four you would be shocked never! How clever! You have given despots measure to fools. When I look into the bowel and see scraps being shuffled by thirty two over head projectors I see stars! Sue. They are borders and politic and color the face of the bowel never. At a glance they feed the hungry in Russia but at home they slack and roll doobies. What is this star power so invincible? If you knew where a puzzle piece would fit you would find Visa’s. They aim. The harvest is just venture never. Cut the tree! Cut it and toss the roots! That branch is dead. I can’t get cross pollination or homogenization only right to rebuke His Righteousness. The Horn was cut. Now the tree. Truthfully it’s already been cut. Did you see the eagles fly? https://twitter/1PoliSciGirl
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 13:29:41 +0000

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