HOT OFF THE PRESS: On December 17, 2014 president Barack Obama - TopicsExpress


HOT OFF THE PRESS: On December 17, 2014 president Barack Obama made a public statement announcing a change in America’s over fifty year old Cold War strategy of isolating The Republic of Cuba. Since the Cuban Revolution of 1959, and the Island’s turn to Communism under the leadership of Fidel Castro, the United States has made a consistent effort to choke the life out of the Cuban nation through economic embargo. In a seemingly drastic change of that policy, President Obama stated he would further loosen travel restrictions to Cuba, open limited financial interaction with the country, and eventually move to building a U.S. embassy in Havana. Due to the 1996 Helms-Burton Act signed by President Clinton, Obama would still need Congressional approval to get much of this accomplished. Obama’s statement was greeted with joy by many Americans who viewed this Cold War policy as antiquated and redundant. In a world where the Communist Soviet Union has long since collapsed, what sense does it make to keep punishing the Cuban people? Obama supporters used the president’s initiative as evidence of his superior statecraft in the face of Republican opposition by Cuba hard-liners like Florida Senator Marco Rubio. What most Americans do not realize is that Obama’s change in policy is not the product of some enlightened awakening concerning foreign policy. Obama is reacting to occurrences that pose a significant geopolitical challenge to American hegemony in the Western hemisphere. The Russians and the Chinese have come knocking on America’s back door. Salim Muwakkil Julianne Malveaux Joy Karega Bruce A. Dixon Kevin Alexander Gray Margaret Kimberley Doug Henwood Jon Jeter John Halle Joe Lowndes Yvette Carnell Jared Ball Corey Robin Lester Spence Fredrick Harris Karen Andre Alix Robert Alain Robert
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 01:32:48 +0000

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