HOW DID WE GET TO THIS POINT? POWELL MEMO WRITTEN 1971, FAIRNESS DOCTRINE ENDED 1987, RUSH LIMBAUGH WENT NATIONAL 1988, FOX NEWS WENT LIVE 1996. THE RIGHT WING HAVE BEEN POUNDING RURAL AMERICA WITH PROPAGANDA FOR OVER 20 YEARS AND IT WILL BE HARD TO UNDO THE DAMAGE THAT RUSH AND FOX HAVE DONE TO THE COUNTRY. JOSEPH GOEBBEL WOULD BE PROUD OF WHAT THE RIGHT WING THINK TANKS HAVE DONE ON THE BRAINWASHING OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. If you look at this last election you can see the damage at the state level the GOP is doing and it is rural parts of those states you see they are like 80% conservative. Sad thing is the DFL was founded by Farmers. The advent of hate radio has really turned the rural areas into hot beds for conservatives. This is going to happen but FOX and RUSH will be working hard to tell Rural America that the party that are attacking you are the Democrats and that Black President and most will buy the LIE. THINGS RURAL AMERICA LOVES AND NEEDS WILL GO UNDER ATTACK: Post Office ( Issa stands to make almost a billion dollars killing the Post Office he is in charge of ) Social Security Medicare Medicaid Veteran Benefits Many more to come. Let’s Hope Rural America sees the light because they can be the game changer on becoming a Fascist Nation or stay as a democracy.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 21:42:17 +0000

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