HURTING PEOPLE HURT OTHER PEOPLE Have you ever wondered how - TopicsExpress


HURTING PEOPLE HURT OTHER PEOPLE Have you ever wondered how come some people are rude and speak hurtful words which can cut and wound? One reason why some people can easily hurt others. Because hurting people hurt other people. Chances are people who hurt them are more influential and powerful than them. Since they cannot get even with them. They tried to look for others who are weaker than them. Hurting people have the tendency to pass their negative emotions from one person to the other. So what do you when you encounter them? Instead of you getting even with these type of people. The more we should show sympathy and compassion for them. Why should we even do that? If someone said hurtful words against you, the normal reaction is to try to get even by speaking hurtful words. You do what they do and you say what they say. Never say that you will get even with the people who hurt you. Believe me, if I can only kill a person through my mind. I would have already murdered a lot of people. If you think and do the same thing you, what makes you different than them? One thing I realised in life, you become the people whom you hated most. But thanks be to God, He enlightens us not to bear unforgiveness in our hearts. Not to repay the evil with evil, but fight evil with good. Getting even will not extend our lives, it will just shorten it because of stress. We just need to move in the opposite spirit. Instead of passing the hate, start sharing the love. And part of loving is loving the unlovable, forgiving the unforgivable. There is a verse in the bible that is very intriguing which caught my attention and enlightened me at the same time. Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times? “Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.” Matthew 18: 21-22 NIV What forgive the person? Seventy-seven times! Why should we do that? The reason why we need to let go and forgive those who hurt us. Because God is teaching us about the lesson of forgiveness. Once we forgive, we are not releasing them but we are releasing ourselves from pain, anguish and torment. We need to forgive them not because they deserve it but we deserve peace. Hurting others when you are hurt is a vicious and a never ending cycle. We must learn how to handle our emotions according to Gods way when we are hurting. THINK. REFLECT. APPLY. Who are the people who hurt your in the past? Have you come to terms with yourself and made a decision to avoid becoming like them? Why dont you ask God to give you the grace to forgive?
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 10:38:09 +0000

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