HYPOCRITE HARRY REID: TEA PARTY IS ‘CALLING THE SHOTS’ IN THE SENATE Posted 06.18.13 by Jennifer Burke, TPNN Contributor Today, Senate Democrats, led by Harry Reid, held a press conference in which he squarely laid the finger of blame for stalemates in Congress on, in his words, ‘the unreasonable Tea Party folks’. The press conference was a shameful, theatrical demonstration by Senator Reid to push the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill and spin it chock full of half-truths in an effort to make it seem like the American people support amnesty. There were a few things that I found interesting, and disingenuous, about Harry Reid’s little press conference. First, he opened up with a complaint about the Tea Party ‘minority’ calling the shots and basically being too much in control. As a conservative who happens to be black, the first thing that came to my mind was, “Wait a second. I thought Democrats LOVED minorities and frame themselves as fighting for the ‘rights’ of these minorities?’” Of course, the stark reality is that Democrats love racial minorities that they can control with promises of big government being the mighty provider because the left sees these racial minorities as unable to provide for themselves. They demonstrate on a daily basis how they feel about ‘minorities’ who don’t buy into their big government snake oil. Conservatives such as Mia Love, Allen West, Tim Scott, and Ted Cruz are seen as fair game in attacks by the left because they dare to leave the Democrat Party’s big government plantation and be a Republican. That rationale by the left explains Harry Reid’s disdain for those who he deems as ‘political minorities.’ How DARE they try to have a voice counter to the progressive left! If you won’t go along to get along, Reid would rather you just go away. Second, Reid continued his attack against the Tea Party by accusing ‘those unreasonable Tea Party folks’ of trying to control things. It takes an incredibly elite narcissist to accuse others of trying to exert control when that is the very thing they are trying to do as they speak. But, that is the hypocrisy that we have come to expect from the left. The most glaring and disgusting distortion of fact came when Reid cited, or should I say misrepresented, a FOX News poll. He repeated more than once that Americans overwhelmingly want us to fix our broken immigration system. That fix, according to Reid, translates into Americans overwhelming supporting amnesty. Let’s face it, no matter what they say, that is what the Gang of Eight bill boils down to. Reid climbed even higher atop his soap box as he cherry-picked the portion of the FOX News poll that he wanted others to hear: 74% of Americans want Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform now, this year. So, the American people elected people to work across the aisle and get things done for them. This bill has been a model of bi-partisan cooperation. This is a perfect opportunity for Republicans to do the right thing and put the interest of their constituents ahead of unreasonable Tea Party folks. Reid conveniently left out a key component to the poll question that those 74% said they support. The full question is as follows. Do you favor or oppose the 11 million illegal immigrants to remain in the country and eventually-years down the road-qualify for U.S. citizenship as long as they meet certain requirements like paying back taxes, learning English, and passing background checks? The problem? The Gang of Eight bill, despite the Obama talking points that Harry Reid regurgitated, requires no such thing. Another critical question in this FOX News poll that Reid conveniently left out is in regards to border security. Reid’s twisting of this FOX News poll ignores the following question: Do you favor or oppose strengthening border security and figuring out ways to prevent people from entering the U.S. illegally? A whopping 81% favor increased border security. The Democrats, and some Republicans, have steadfastly rejected any notion of border security. But, Reid isn’t trying to ‘control things’, now is he? (Said facetiously, of course.) As you can see, I took issue with multiple statements made by Democrat Senator Harry Reid in this under 3 minutes propaganda speech. It was all bad, but one of the worst was his lecturing us on the powers given to elected officials once they are elected into office by the American people. His assertion of what they are put into office to do is disturbing. So, the American people elected people to work across the aisle and get things done for them. No, Senator Reid. Going along to get along and Republicans ‘working across the aisle’ with progressives who believe in big, gargantuan government is what has gotten us into this near $17 trillion boondoggle debt. When you are sworn into office, you do not swear to ‘work across the aisle to get things done’. You swear to support and defend the Constitution. THAT is why Americans elect people into office. Harry Reid offers an elitist view of the world. He’s gotten rich somehow during his career as a public official and lambasts those that have attained wealth through hard work and sacrifice. He chides the Tea Party as unreasonable folks while blocking legislation and refusing to have a debate on certain bills. On the one hand, far progressive leftists like Harry Reid want to say that the Tea Party has no power, but on the other they want to accuse those who support the movement as having too much control? Why this discrepancy, you might ask? It can be summed up in one word. FEAR. Despite all obstacles. Despite the demonization. Despite the lying rhetoric from the left. Despite the hate-filled vitriol that they hurl at us. We must remember one thing: Never give up. Our Founding Fathers never gave up, even though their fight cost many their lives and for others their fortunes. We owe it to their legacy, to the history of America, and to future generations to stand for freedom, for the Constitution despite the guilt trip laden twisted realities from the likes of Harry Reid.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 15:45:12 +0000

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