Hagar was not Abrahams lawful - TopicsExpress


Hagar was not Abrahams lawful wife. ---------------------- Muslims will always falsify, lie, deny, and point fingers. The survival of their religion depends on it. Christians worship a God of love and benevolence. Muslims worship a god of hate and malevolence. ------------------------------ Islam is shrinking/dying and believers are leaving by the millions. A look at UKs figures MrNomorePropaganda youtube/watch?v=dl1lyNpmY-8 Sources: Muslim statistics lib.convdocs.org/docs/index-118889.html?page=65 Fastest Growing Christianity fastestgrowingreligion/numbers.html Pew Forum pewforum.org/2011/01/27/future-of-the-global-muslim-population-related-factors/#conversion unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/products/dyb/dybcensus/V2_Notes6.pdf Personal Values worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSContents.jsp More and more atheists in Muslim majority countries irtiqa-blog Iran Muslims not attending mosques webcitation.org/query?url=atimes/atimes/Middle_East/LK30Ak02.html&;date=2012-11-30 Muslims need to reflect why so many millions are leaving Islam tinyurl/ozxad2v Millions Are Leaving Islam Every Year tinyurl/7n2jrk2 In Africa Alone faithfreedom.org/oped/sina31103.htm MORE AND MORE MUSLIMS LEAVE ISLAM antikafirphobia.wordpress/muslims-leaving-islam Muslims Leaving Islam in Droves pjmedia/blog/muslims-leaving-islam-in-droves WHY millions are leaving ISLAM tinyurl/qznpjxj 2 Million People In Indonesia Leave Islam For Christianity Every Year tinyurl/n9kh7rr 2,000,000 people left Islam Vs 2,000-5000 people embrace Islam 1muslimnation.wordpress/2010/08/15/islam-in-russia-2-million-ethnic-muslims-leave-islam-for-russian-orthodox-christianity 2 million ethnic Muslims in Russia leave islam: interfax-religion/?act=news&;div=513 in every year 6 million African muslims convert to Christianity or Atheisam . aljazeera.net/programs/shareea/articles/2000/12/12-12-6.htm For English Translation : formermuslims/forum/viewtopic.php?t=972 Muslim Scholars, Mullahs, Imams Leave Islam and Enter Christianity. faithfreedom.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17499 200,000 UK Muslims Left Islam timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-1470584,00.html 50,000 Iranian Muslims have embraced Christianity in Iran in last 2 years iam-online.net/Press_release_PDFs/IAMTVrelease_FINAL.doc%20(Read-Only).pdf 250,000 Muslims left Islam in Malaysia,100000 became christians harakahdaily.net/v06/index.php?optionfiltered=com_content&;task=view%20&id=791&Itemid=28 For English : faithfreedom.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=356823#356823 10,000 Frech Muslims converted to Christianity in last years, alonzo-95.skyblog/ For English : faithfreedom.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=251560#251560 Thousands of Kashmiri Muslims leave Islam and Convert to Christianity ! christianitytoday/ct/2002/010/12.26.html Thousands of Bangladeshi, North African, Kashmiri, Indian Muslims, Central Asian Muslims Leave Islam and Embrace Christ. youtharise/index.php?option=articles&;task=viewarticle&artid=994 Some 35,000 Turks converted from Islam to Christianity last year beliefnet/story/139/story_13903_1.html Kyrgyzstan : 100,000 Muslims have converted to Christianity in 3 Years ! persecution.org/newsite/countrynewssumm.php?country=Kyrgyzstan&;PHPSESSID=df81b650d93475f5d699815c7f7da5ad# Indonesia : According to A.T. Willis and others between 2 or 3 million Muslims converted to Christianity after the massacres of the communists in Indonesia, in 1965 secularislam.org/humanrights/compatible.htm Catholic officials stated that approximately 10,000 Muslims convert to Catholicism each year. state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2003/23829.htm The Worlds Religions in Figures: An Introduction to International Religious Demography,Todd M. Johnson and Brian J. Grim. https://web.archive.org/web/20131020100448/media.johnwiley.au/product_data/excerpt/47/04706745/0470674547-196.pdf 10 myths dougsaunders.net/2013/09/10-myths-about-muslim-immigrants-in-the-west/ Muslim Scholar Leaves Islam alisina.org/blog/2013/09/12/muslim-scholar-leaves-islam
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 22:51:01 +0000

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