i shall still need time to recover, but i put one foot back in the - TopicsExpress


i shall still need time to recover, but i put one foot back in the world -- never thought that sensational fictional nonsense would so close to real life ever! It is true now that trust will be forever broken between us and the rest of the nations... this i must come to cope with. But befor anything worse happens i will be removed entirely from actual events --- all of my fictional nonsense talents have been redirected to science-fiction where i know for a Fact those stupid imaginations will *never* come even close to becoming real! So, wat am i supposed to do with Face Book then; i am not an ordinary person who talks like ordinary people; i grew up inventing sensational fiction fantasies; i once thought that God was made-up and could be anything i dreamed; then i saw Him through my accident in the Navy.... i have never since made-up any fictional ideas of God! No, Hes real and He *is* Holy! He was also thrilled to make me this way, because diversity in the world is grand! i just have to figur out how to please God. Itz difficult, i am so human, He is so God; no wonder He calls us Children! i think now wat upset me sooo much though is that to keep my imagination under control; the one thing that keeps me sane and not like a person locked up is that i have strict codes of ethics involving wat is real and wat is fake! Therefore altering my known state of wat America is starts misshaping my defined reality and begins blurring the lines inside my Autism mind! i have to remain grounded wen i have a mor powerful imagination than George Lucas and mor fictional talent than Stephen King! i am not boasting, i simply state the truth as it is. As a teenager i studied Edgar Allen Poe and grew to replicate his masterful writing talents! Wen i delved into science i began imagining a way to create a force of energy based off the core of planets to build unimagined technologies beyond all dreams and imaginations known today --- i was ten yrs old and nobody has caught up; now i am much much older and my imagination sooo much mor fantastic! i couldve made that one Face Book post into a book and sold it; but i shared it on here instead; it was free Gift from me to my Friendz! So fantastic my imagination that i spun a whole new realm of reality where Tycoons take back power of government through secret plots and the destruction of global economies!!!! Fascinating! If you check my Factual warnings ive often only warned of Mr. Obama being afraid of not being in control; his fear i said in his first election would drive him to put the government in control of everything! And so it has come to pass! That is real and Fact! But never i thought he would disgrace us all by getting caught spying on our own allies -- thatz madness! That tears apart the very core of all that America is!!!! So, wen the lines between reality and fiction blur; i become scared of my own self - i *must* remain rooted and grounded in reality or start acting like fictional characters in public! This would be bad! i have quite the imagination; and others wouldnt understand it! Now i am not talking about any violence or stupidity -- itz simply that alot of character scenes for books are acted out inside the confines of my apartment -- just like Hollywood, i rehearse and react each scene out and go over all the mechanics of it; then transfer that to paper into words! But if i did that in public people would think i am mental and theyd probably call the police on me! So i have thingz in place that divide fiction from reality for me. *This* my Friendz is Autism -- *this* is wat it is like to be weird and strange and nothing like anyone else you know! BUT it is also wat has given birth to countless Novels i am refining and perfecting in actions and in words to make them worth selling to the world -- not for fame nor money; just to share them -- becuz hardly anyone responds to my posts on here - they only way to share my work is to publish and sell it! So for everyone who wonders what makes u so special to see God -- im not special, im weird; i had to know Hes real in order to know Him, and God knew that, and so i saw Jesus for real! And i have never since made a fictional god becuz God is so Honorable, no Respectful person messes with God! Hes Perfect! The Holy Bible contains every Fact about Him, nothing else is needed to know. If any fictional story i write has an involvement with God i go directly with the Holy Bible. But to end all these words.... wat hurt me most of all was in that i grew up with 1920-1940s generation. Back wen i was a child i knew sum very very Elder peoplez who were born years ago! And most of my deer Friendz were from the 1940s -- that is the America i am familiar most with! i didnt get along with other kidz, i was too weird, no one wanted to be Friendz with me but my little Sister, and Boyz and Girlz dont often relate entirely -- so i found very very very old Men who would talk for hours and hours and hours and hours and i listened to everything they had to say to me -- And that is where my reality was founded at; thatz the basis of wat keeps appearing to be normal. In a weird Autism person like me i have to have those foundations so that i can appear to be sane. So that i dont make sounds in public, or act out fiction in front of others -- a line was established to ground me in the differences of reality and fiction! Perhaps, maybe, sumtime i will setup the recorder during a Novel creation, and perhaps u will be able to see wat i mean by personality generator -- i put the same effort into closed door productions as Hollywood does on the screen! ive spent my whole life refining my acting skills; but have always known i cant actually use them; im not spokesperson hardcore Hollywood material! i enjoy my little known zero fame life of quiet privacy. i also enjoy imitating every sound i hear, and characters that dont exist -- without a grounded reality, it sounds insane and absurd and maybe i should be locked up rite now --- but i know the difference between acting and reality! Basically im just going to keep the fiction to myself from now on; and live in my fantasy America surrounded by Elder peoplez who know the value of character, ethics, and morals! i quit listening to the news; like i said, if im needed for anything Jesus knows where to find me! God will take care of me, i dont need to know everything going on the crazy world -- the world got sooo crazy itz bumping into my fiction and confusing me! i cant have that - im as nuts as Chris Farley from Saturday Night Live! i do *not* want to scare my neighbors and Friendz with being too fictional for my own good! ANd if i sound weird, itz becuz i am weird, ive always been weird --- but wen put to proper use my weirdness makes up the most Fantastic Fiction ever!!!!! Wen put to proper use. So i have come back, but without anymor news period! i *need* to know exactly wen to turn off my imagination and be myself! i *need* to know the boundaries of reality! Itz very important for a person like me.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 20:05:19 +0000

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