Hai sa dialogam…de la suflet la suflet ,despre suflet Eu - TopicsExpress


Hai sa dialogam…de la suflet la suflet ,despre suflet Eu cred ,ca fiecare suflet ,la intrupare isi alege drumul si lectia de viata, care sa-l ajute in procesul evolutiei spirituale.Trebuie doar sa ne deschidem si sa ne intrebam pe noi insine si vom afla siguri.De mica am simtit ,ca trebuie sa fac ceva ,dar foarte mult timp n-am inteles ce inseamna toate acele ganduri si senzatii.Acum,poate cam tarziu dupa unii,cred ca incep sa-mi percep sufletul,incep sa –mi aduc aminte de ce am ales sa vin acum si aici.Se pare ca am avut nevoie de un impuls ,venit ,fara ca sa stie macar,dinspre un om deosebit ,un om ,ce traieste in celalalt capat al lumii,un salvator de vieti umane,de suflete ,din punctul meu de vedere.Un barbat frumos sufleteste si binenteles trupeste.Afirmatiile imi apartin si nu trebuie sa fie de acord nimeni ,cu mine,dar la momentul oportun probabil, o sa va dezvalui identitatea celui ,care ma determinat sa-mi deschid sufletul si sa incerc sa dau cei mai bun din mine…deocamdata pe aceasta cale,a acestui site,si-mi veti da dreptate.Pe viitor ,nu se stie ce urmeaza.Binenteles, doar lucruri benefice,fiindca asta este calea…spre adevarul fiinitei noastre. Am intarzit sa ma trezesc,dar in tot acest timp n-am avut un somn adanc si linistit ,ca intr-un cocon.M-am tot intrebat,fara un raspuns clar,m-am tot zbuciumat, fara un rezultat concret.Am crezut ,ca trebuie sa fac liceul militat ,fiindca simteam ca prietenii mei de pana atunci –baietii,pe viitor ma vor face sa sufar.Multumesc, Doamne ca liceu militar de fete nu era si pana la sfarsitul liceului ,ma indragostisem déjà si nu m-a mai interesat.Cine stie ce caracter nenorocit imi dezvoltam daca urmam vreun liceu de acel gen.A…uitasem.Din acelasi motiv,al fugii de dezamagiri si suferinte ajunsesem sa ma gandesc si la calugarie.Va dati seama, ce calugarita pioasa as fi fost cu sufletul meu zburdalnin,ca sa nu mai zic de spiritual meu dezorganizatinonal.Nimic organizat ,programat nu-mi rezista.Nu ma intelegeti gresit.Of …sunt tare complicata si greu de transpuns prin cuvinte.Ma adaptez usor ,la orice program si alte cele,dar in general stiu cand nu sunt compatibila cu genul grupurilor care fac tot timpul acelasi lucru zi de zi sau la un alt interval,fara sa-si puna problema, de ce o fac sau daca cred ,cu adevarat ,ceea ce fac.Eu nu pot face nimic ,daca nu cred cu tarie in acel lucru ,sau nu pot lupta pentru un crez daca nu-s convinsa pana in adancul fiintei mele ,de pozitivitatea lui si nu numai in ceea ce ma priveste pe mine.M-am facut inteleasa?Oare?Cateva exemple foarte simple si cat se poate de cotidiene,doar pentru a intelege ceea ce vreua sa transmit….Sa vad…Din ceea ce am intalnit eu si am refuzat s-o fac si a doua oara.ce-mi vine acum prim cap: • In facultate,fiindca chiar imi plac artele martiale,am fost la karate.Imi era atat de jena sa urlu…pur si simplu mi se oprea in gat strigatul…frustrant.Inteleg necesitatea eliberarii energiei prin acel…urlet,dar…poate atunci cand voi fii pregatita ,….poate in aceasta viata ,poate in alte imprejurari cand chiar simt ca trebuie s-o fac.Eu consider ca toate ,cu bune si rele ne vin de la viata, de la altii ,atunci cand le chemam ,atunci cand suntem pregatiti sa la primim si sa le intelegem ,atunci,cand putem sa le folosim pentru a ne face aceasta viata mai minunta ,mai frumoasa.Frumos ,nu?Doamne,cat de eliberator este sa va impartasesc toate acestea.cata ordine ma ajuta sa fac in adancurile mele.sincer,pot sa spun ca este inaltator,vibrational.Sper ca cuvintele mele sa-si pastreze macar o parte din vibratiile ce imi strabat mie trupul, atunci cand vi le transmit ,asa incat, sa intre in tandem cu vibratiile voastre si a vibram la unison. • Prima facultate la care am dat ,a fost medicina.Intotdeauna mi-am dorit sa-mi ajut semenii.In acel moment ma atragea neurochirurgia.Stilul de departajare al candidatiilor nu mi-a dat sansa sa ajung chirurg,dar in timp nu mi-a parut deloc rau, fiindca nu sunt de acord cu metodele folosite in medicina contemporana.Am adoptat medicina alternativa cu bratele deschise,cat si toate acele teorii despre sanatatea trupului prin sanatatea sufletului,cum poti sa-ti vindeci viata prin pozitivitatea gandurilor,In ajutorul acestor teorii am ceva : youtube/watch?v=eZ42FmC17No … LOUISE HAY Am urmat cursurile facultatii de psihologie,la ceva timp dupa terminarea informaticii,tot cu gandul ca trebuie sa-mi ajut semenii.|De data aceasta ,evoluasem de la a le opera creierul ,la a le intelege problemele,Nu sunt de acord cu pumnii de medicamente care-i transforma pe bietii neintelesi in niste zombii.Am avut chiar un episod ,in care o colega ,care consulta periodic un psiholog ,ce o indopa cu tot felul de sedative, mi-a spus ca eu o chiar inteleg.Am inteles ,ca unii dintre noi au nevoie sa fie ascultati ,poate chiar si indrumati,dar credati-ma, ca scotandu-ne in afara noastra problemele ,trairile,singuri ne ajutam ,ne vindecam.Deci ,am renuntat sa ma transform in ceva ce nu mi-ar fi placut.Cred ,ca mi-ar placea sa fiu un doctor de suflete,un doctor ,care asculta si alina,care trateaza cu sufletul ,din suflet ,suflete.Cred, ca in sfarsit stiu cum trebuie sa-mi ajut semenii. Pentru asta, nu trebuie sa urmez nici un curs sau facultate,trebuie sa –mi deschid sufletul,sa-mi percep semenii,sa –mi vindec in primul rand viata mea,astfel vindecand vietile celor din jurul meu ,celor cu care intru in contact direct sau vibrational.Sa nu credeti ,ca vorbesc fara sens.Nu.Eu, cred cu tarie, in puterile ascunse in fiintele noastre,Suntem binecuvantati ,trebuie sa ne intelegem doar.Viata este in noi si am fost facuti sa fim frumosi si fericiti,doar ca am uitat care-i calea.Unii au descoperit-o si ne-au impartasi-o si noua .Trebuie doar sa fim deschisi si sa credem ca viata este de fapt frumoasa.Trebuie doar sa ne autoeducam sa fim pozitivi.Este atat de simplu ,sa traim in fericire, si totusi atat de complicat ,ca sa ne trezim .Raiul si iadul sunt pe pamant,depinde unde vrem sa visam.Totul sta in puterea noastra,in acel liber albitru ,cu care ne-a inzestrat Divinitatea.Haideti sa ne trezim impreuna,haideti sa-i trezim si pe cei mai putin norocosi.Eu una ma simt foarte norocoasa si protejata.Norocoasa, fiindca mi s-a dat sansa sa fiu atinsa de vibratiile pozitive ale unor suflete minunate,niste ingeri pe pamant. Protejata,fiindca simt ca la cateva rascruci am fost indrumata spre drumul cel bun.Sunt pe drumul cel bun .De fapt ,este drumul ales de sufletul meu ,atunci cand a ales sa vina aici. Nu sunt o specialista in nici un domeniu,n-am cercetat nimic,nu am facut nici cea mai mica descoperire stiintifica,si nici cel putin nu am luptat niciodata ,pentru ceva important ,pentru umanitate.Sunt doar un suflet intrupat in aceasta viata si dimensiune intr-o femeie mai baietoasa din fire ,care de mica s-a inteles mai bine cu baietii,dar care niciodata nu s-a considerat o artactie pentru ei,desi credeti-ma ca mi-am dorit acest lucru de cateva ori in viata.Imi desfasor activitatea in domeniul IT ,desi cred ca sunt cea mai mare visatoare.Intotdeauna, am avut lumea mea frumoasa ,unde totul este posibil si-mi dezvoltam planurile mele pentru viata reala.Intotdeauna, daca iti doresti cu tarie si cu toata fiinta ta …iese,chiar si in lumea asta pe care de multe ori o percepem complicata si nu foarte prietenoasa.Asa este…cum o percepem fiecare.De ce ,sa nu visam, doar frumos.Unora ne place ,sa ne chinuim. Acum ,in timp ce-mi astern gandurile imi dau seama de un lucru .De la incept am vrut sa-mi cer scuze,dar m-am gandit ca este momentul sa schimb ceva la mine.Sa las atitudinea asta ,fiindca de obicei ca sa fiu agreata ,iubita….si altele de acest gen,tot ma calc …putin in picioare.Scuzele sunt pentru faptul ca s-ar putea sa nu ma prea fac inteleasa.Eu stiu sigur ce vreau sa spun si ce vreau sa fac cu acest site,dar inca gandurile,trairi ,amintirile mele sunt la gramada si toate se inghesuie sa iasa.Am atatea de impartasit si-mi doresc atat de mult ca toate aceste sa va determine sa va doriti acelasi lucru.Deci, va rog aveti rabdare cu mine in primul rand ,dar si cu voi , fiindca doresc sa va dati sansa sa va cunoateti pe voi insiva prin introspectie ,prin dialog ,cu mine,cu voi,cu ceilalti care ni se vor alatura.Doamne,intoatdeauna mi-am dorit sa pot comunica doar prin gand.Ar fi mult mai simplu.Unii pot.Telepatia este viitorul.Cuvintele nu au incarcatura vibrationala a ceea ce simtim,parca se pierde ceva pe drumul trairii de la suflet la cuvant.Intotdeauna am avut senzatia asta frustranta.Ca sa nu mai spun de comunicarea in alta limba.Graiul nostru mi se pare cel mai apropiat de a transmite starile sufletului.Are atatea posibilitati,pe cand la celelalte limbi sezizez o minimalizare ,o condensare a ceea ce vrei sa transmiti.Am vazut ,cand cumnata mea imi face traducerile.Nu pot sa ma manifest in alta limba.Gandesc,traiesc,simt,transmit in limba mea cel maI bine.Parca fiinta mea se incapataneza sa adopte un alt grai.La mine ,totul in perceptia altor limbi ,este la nivel intuitiv.Ciudat si interesant in acelasi timp.Sa nu credeti ca sunt vreo ignoranata.Am facut germana, din clasa a doua pana in a doisprezecea,franceza din a cincea finalizand cu liceul si engleza la facultate,dar…nu pot sa ma aud vorbind,mi se pare ca sunt falsa si nu-mi place.Pana si maghiara,traind anii copilariei printre ei , incepusem s-o inteleg,dar…asa cum am spus, cred ca de fapt intuiam ,ii percpem de fapt pe vorbitori la nivel vibrational.Sa stiti ,ca scriind imi explic multe lucruri si trairi ale mele.cred ca este un mod foarte bun sa te analizezi sI sa-ti pui ordine in fiinta ta.Va sugerez s-o faceti. Putem dialoga despre orice .Cate in luna si in stele.Daca iese cum sper eu, se va gasi cineva sa raspunda fiecaruia.Ne trebuie doar curaj.Cred ca putem sa fim curajosi ,sa fim sinceri cu noi.Fiindca asta vreau de fapt.Sinceritate cu noi insine,doar ca intreg procesul il facem intrand pe acest site si asternandu-ne gandurile ,trairile asa cum vin,fara vreo prelucrare rationala.Eu asa fac.Cum imi trec multe prin cap,imi astern fiecare gand intr-o fraza si apoi sar la alt gand-alta fraza.La sfarsit vad cum la combin ,sa nu zica cineva ca sunt dusa.Nu avem nevoie de nici un limbaj evoluat.Este un site al sufletului,iar el nu este doctorand in litere,dar este cel mai tare din tot echipamentul carcaselor noastre,hai sa recunoastem.Daca sufletul sufera …se vede …la carcasa.Devenim bolnavi,imbatraniti de tineri.Daca sufletul vibreaza pozitiv…sa vedeti ce carcase de 50 de ani zburda cum poate n-au stiut s-o faca la 20.Eu sunt o carcasa de 44 de ani ,dar sufletul mi s-a blocat la 21,si credeti-ma toti cu care ma intalnesc imi dau fizic vorbind 35.La manifestari am 21 toata ziua si este super.Deci ,elixirul cautat de toti,amintit in toate povestile,este vibratia pozitiva pe care trebuie s-o purtam vesnic in suflet si s-o imprastiem in jurul nostru.Viata este frumoasa,asa cum spunea muza si mentorul meu.Hai sa invatam sa ne bucuram cu adevarat de ea.Hai sa fim ,sa ramanem tineri in suflet.Vom intinerii vizibil.Cred,ca in primul rand ,trebuie sa invatam sa ne hranim sufletul sanatos.Dupa aceea sau concomitent trebuie sa invatam sa ne hranim trupul ,sa ni-l intrebam de ce are nevoie ,ca sa vibreze la unison cu un suflet frumos.Nu vreau sa vin cu teorii despre cum este bine sa ne hranim,cum este bine sa gandim sau sa actionam.Eu doar doresc sa va impartasesc din experientele mele ,din experientele mult mai interesante ale altora care mi-au fost aduse la cunostiinta in diverse moduri si astept si din partea voastra acelasi lucru.Sa vedem cum ne influientam reciproc…binenteles…pozitiv. Eu mi-am dezvaluit voua cateva din gandurile si trairile mele.Vor urma si altele in asteptera unui raspuns de undeva .Daca este cineva care simte ca mine ,sau altfel,dar simte, il sau o astept ,sa crestem ,sa ne trezim impreuna.Curaj ! Let’s speak …….from soul to soul, about the soul I believe that every soul , when it embodies itself, chooses its path and the lesson it wants to learn in that lifetime, things that will help it in the process of spiritual evolution. We only have to open up and to ask ourselves this question and we will find out the answer. Since I was a child I‘ve felt I had to do something, but for a long period of time I couldn’t understand what all those feelings and thoughts meant. Now, maybe a bit to late might some consider, I think I am beginning to perceive my soul, I am starting to remember why I chose to come here and now. It seems I needed a push , which came without even realizing , from a special man who lives on the other side of the world, a life and soul savior. A beautiful man, in body and soul. These statements are mine and nobody has to agree with me, but at the right moment , I will unravel the identity of the one who made me open up my soul and try to reveal the best in me………. I’ll do that with the help of this site , and you will agree with me. We don’t know what the future has in store for us. Of course only good things, because this is the path………..towards the truth of our being . I was late in my awakening , but all this time I didn’t have a sound sleep, as in cocoon. I have been wondering , without an obvious answer, I’ve been tossing and turning, without a real result. I thought I had to attend a military high school, because I felt that all the friends I had at that moment – boys, would make me suffer sometime in the future. I thank God for the fact that there wasn’t a military high school for girls, and by the end of high school I had already fallen I love and I wasn’t interested in that anymore. Who knows what a horrible personality I would have developed , had I attended such a high school. Oh. ….I almost forgot. For the same reason, the flight from disappointment and sufferings, I came to think about nunnery . Do you realize what a pious nun I would have become, one with a frolicsome soul, not to talk about my unsettling spirit. I can’t stand anything organized, planned. Don’t get me wrong. Oh …………I am very complicated , difficult to put into words. I adapt easily to any schedule and other things, but generally I know I am not compatible with the sort of groups of people who do the same thing day after day, without asking themselves why they do it or if they really believe in what they are doing. I can’t do anything if I don’t strongly believe in that thing or I can’t fight for a credo if I am not convinced ,from the bottom of my being , of its positivity. Did I make myself clear? Really? Here are some simple and common examples of this kind, to make you understand what I want to express ………..Let’s see ….from what I have come across and refused to do for the second time, what crosses my mind are: • In collage , because I really like martial arts, I’ve studied karate. I was so ashamed to yell………my throat would simply block the sound…………frustrating. I understand the necessity of setting the energy free through yelling , but………….maybe only when I’ll be ready, ………maybe in this lifetime , maybe in other circumstances, when I will feel the need to do it. I believe that everything , good or bad, comes from life, from each other , when we call it, when we are ready to receive and understand it, when we can use it to make our life better, more beautiful. Nice, isn’t it? God, how liberating I is , to share with you all this, how much it calms and organizes my thoughts, and I can sincerely say it is uplifting and vibrating. I hope my words can retain at least a part of the vibrations that cross my body the moment I share them with you , so that they resonate with yours and we can vibrate as one. • The first collage I applied to was medical school. I have always wanted to help my peers. At that moment I was interested in neurosurgery. The modality of differentiating the candidates didn’t give me the chance to become a neurosurgeon , but with time it didn’t feel all that bad, because I don’t agree with the methods used by contemporary medicine. I adopted the alternative medicine with open arms, as I did with all those theories about body health through soul health….. a way to cure your life through positive thinking. Here I something related to this: youtube/watch?v=eZ42FmC17No … LOUISE HAY I attended the psychology collage , some time after I graduated the informatics collage, still thinking about helping my peers. This time I had evolved from the idea of brain surgery to understanding their problems. I don’t agree with the tones of pills given to people in order to transform them into zombies. I had an episode where my room mate , who was going to a psychologist, that gave her lots of sedatives, told me that I really understood her. I knew then, that some of us feel the need to be listened to, maybe even guided, but believe me that if we pull ourselves outside our problems and experiences, we alone can help and cure ourselves. So , I renounced the thought of transforming myself into someone I wouldn’t have liked. I would like to be a soul doctor, one who listens and soothes, who treats the soul. I think I finally know how to help my peers. To do this , I don’ have to attend any school; I just have to open up my soul, to feel my peers, to heal my life first ,so that I can cure the lives of those around me, of those who I come into contact with. I don’t want you to think that there is no sense to what I am saying. I believe with all my heart in the hidden power that lies within ourselves. We are blessed and we only have to understand ourselves. Life is in us and we were created to be beautiful and happy, but we have forgotten our path. Some have rediscovered it and they have shared it with the rest of us. We only have to be open minded and to believe that life is in fact beautiful. We must self – educate ourselves to think positive. It is so easy to live happily ,but it is still so complicated to wake up. Heaven and hell are here on earth , it only depends on where we want to dream. We have the power , the free will , which was bestowed on us by Divinity. Let’s wake up together, let’s wake up the less fortunate. I fell very lucky and protected. Lucky because I was given the opportunity to be touched by the positive vibrations of other wonderful souls, of some angels here on earth. Protected because I fell that when I came to some crossroads in my life I was guided towards the right path. I am on the right track. Actually , it is the path my soul has chosen , when it decided to come here. I am not an expert in any field, I haven’t done any research, I haven’t come up with any small scientific discovery and I haven’t even fought for something important to mankind . I am just a soul embodied, in this lifetime and dimension , into a boyish woman, who , since she was a child, has been getting along well with boys , but who never thought of herself to be attractive to them, although , believe me, I wished for it several times in my life. My line of work is the IT department, although I am a big dreamer. I have always had my beautiful world , where everything is possible and where I developed my plans for the real life. If you really want something with all your might, it always comes true, even in this world which we often perceive as complicated and unfriendly. Life is as each of us perceives it. Why shouldn’t we dream only beautiful things. Some people like to torment themselves. Now, as I lay my thoughts on paper, I realize one thing. Since the beginning, I wanted to apologize , but I thought it was time to change something within me, to let this attitude go because whenever I wanted to be liked, loved ………..and other things of this sort , I swallow a bit my pride. The apology is for the fact that I might not make myself understood. I do know what I want to say and what I want to do with this site, but still, my thoughts , my feelings and my memories are clustered together and they all try to surface at the same time. I have so many things I want to share with you and I really want all this to make you want the same thing. So , first and foremost ,please be patient with me and with yourselves too, because I wish you would give yourselves the chance to get to know yourselves better through introspection, through dialog with me, with you , with the others who will join us. God, I have always wanted to be able to communicate only through my thoughts, telepathically. It would be so much easier. Some people can. Telepathy is the future. Words lack the emotional load of what we feel, something is lost on the way, as the inner experience transcends from the heart to speech. I have always had this frustrating feeling, not to talk about the communication in a different language. In my opinion our language seems to be the best in expressing the emotions of the soul. It has so many possibilities in comparison to other languages where I notice a minimizing, condensing tendency regarding what one wants to express. I have noticed that in translations. I can’t express myself in another language. I think, I feel, I live, I express myself best in my own language. It is as if my being refuses to adopt another language. For me, perceiving the world in another language is done intuitively. It is odd and interesting at the same time. I don’t want you to think that I am ignorant. I have studied German, from the second until the twelfth grade, French in middle school and high school, and English at collage, but I can’t hear myself speak in those languages, it feels fake and I don’t like it. Even Hungarian, for I have spent my childhood years among them, began to make sense but…….as I said before, I think I was inferring the meaning, I was perceiving the vibrations of the speakers. So that you know, while writing I understand many of my emotions better. I think this is a great way to self analyze yourself and to put your being in order. You should try it. We can talk about anything. If it turns out the way I want to, there will be someone to answer each of us. We only need courage. I think we can be brave and honest with ourselves. Because that’s what I really want. Honesty for ourselves. We only have to access this site and write down our thoughts , our inner experiences as we feel them, without any rational processing. That’s what I do. As thoughts pass through my head, I lay every thought into a phrase and then I jump to another thought, another phrase. At the end I find a way to combine all of them, so that you might not think that I’m crazy. We don’t require any sophisticated vocabulary. It’s a site of the soul , it doesn’t have a PHD in literature , but it is the best of all the equipment our shells posses, let’s admit this. If the soul aches …..it shows…... .Our shell suffers too. We get sick, and old even though we are still young. If the soul has a positive vibration …….you will see 50 years old shells playing around the way they couldn’t in their 20’s. I am a 44 years old shell, but my soul is stuck at 21, and trust me , everyone says I do not look a day over 35. I behave as if I were 21 too, and it’s great. So, the elixir mankind has been searching for, mentioned in all fairy tales , is actually the positive vibration that we must forever carry within ourselves and try to share with others. Life is beautiful, says my muse and mentor. Let’s learn to truly enjoy it . Let’s be and forever remain young in our hearts. We will also get visibly younger .,First and foremost ,I think we need to learn how to feed our soul in a healthy way. Afterwards we must learn to feed our body , to ask it what it needs in order for it to vibrate in unison with another beautiful soul. I don’t want to develop any theory about the proper way to feed ourselves or about the right way of thinking. I only wish to share with you my experiences, and the experiences of other people and I expect the same from you. Let’s see if we can influence ourselves………. .positively, of course. I have revealed some of my thoughts and inner experiences. I won’t stop here and I’ll be waiting an answer from you. If anyone feels the way I do , or differently, but nevertheless feels, I will wait for him or her to grow together, to wake up together. Be brave.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 20:39:51 +0000

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