Happy 4th of July...... Here is a thought from the Youth Pastors - TopicsExpress


Happy 4th of July...... Here is a thought from the Youth Pastors couch.... Not everything that goes wrong is necessarily your own fault or a result of your mistakes and sins, and not all trials are because God is punishing you. Sometimes these things are attacks of the Devil, who is trying to defeat you, trying to belittle, trying to accuse, trying to get you down and discouraged. He tries to convince you that you’ve made too many mistakes and failed too many times, so you might as well quit........ But God always has hope for you. Even when He has to correct you, He does so in love. His dealings are a proof of His love (Hebrews 12:5-6). He sometimes scolds and applies the rod, but He always adds love’s healing balm afterwards to soothe, encourage, comfort, and give you hope of recovery and redemption. His encouragement after His correction is like the sun after a storm........ So don’t give up the fight, especially when the Enemy of your soul is doing his best to discourage you and depress you. God will forgive you for past errors, and He can still mightily use you. Simply acknowledge and confess your sin, accept God’s forgiveness, and get on with living for His honor and glory.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 13:21:00 +0000

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