Happy Friday! What an amazing week it’s been. We wrapped up - TopicsExpress


Happy Friday! What an amazing week it’s been. We wrapped up enrollment for Daily Love Mastery yesterday – it was our most successful launch to date! I want to send a HUGE nod to you – my Daily Lover – for being a part of this new phase of Daily Love. Something that I haven’t been talking about much until now is what’s been going on behind the scenes with Daily Love Mastery. About two weeks ago my back went out. (Note: I have a slew of world class healers, if you know anyone awesome for back pain including chiros, docs, massage, yoga or osteopaths – thank you for thinking of me, but I’m all set with my team. Don’t worry about me – look for the lesson for your life.). At first, I thought it would go away in a day or two. But it didn’t. Then I thought I could workout softly on it. And that didn’t work. Then this week – right when Daily Love Mastery is ramping up to the close and I’m needed most – I couldn’t even stand up. Ouch. There are a million reasons why things like this happen. Some will say that area is all about finances, others will say it’s about feeling abandoned, others will say it’s all about slowing down – and I think all that’s true – but what I came to believe is that it was a call for even more balance in my life. I’ve been hitting the gym hard for months now. And I dropped my yoga practice. I got tight –super tight – and boom – lower back pain from being too tight. And at the worst possible time. (Dear back, next week would have been so much better). As I crawled to the bathroom on Monday, I thought about the week ahead. Weds – Travel from LA to NYC to Stamford, CT Thurs – Consumer Health Summit in Stamford, CT. Fri – travel to Boston then Boston “Enter the Heart” event. Sat – early AM travel to NYC for a private Mastermind. Sun – speak in NYC at IIN and then lead an “Enter the Heart” event in NYC. Mon – fly to LA Tues – Speak in front of 18,000 women at the California Women’s Conference Back on the floor – my mind said “Oh – s&*t”. I got overwhelmed with fear. I wasn’t going to be able to make it. I was going to let everyone down. It was all going to hell. I only saw the worst ahead. But then I remembered one of the core principles of what I teach: how well you handle frustration will determine how far in life you will go. I was condemning myself out of fear of the pain in my body to more and more back pain. I just saw an endless array of pain. I talked with Jenna and took her advice. I had to cancel the Stamford trip. I’d been looking forward to it for months. Instead, I got an MRI and a diagnosis – muscle spams galore. We decided that self-care was more important. Now that I knew what it was – I went to work. Osteopath. Chiropractic. Yoga. Massage. Heat. Ice. Anti-inflammatory. Rest. I got back to my body. In the yoga session, I was shocked at the reduction of my flexibility. But I was determined to get through the pain. I was terrified to move. After not being able to stand and having to crawl – it was worst case scenario in my head. After an hour of hip openers and hamstring openers – light and therapeutic Iyengar – I felt open. My sacrum was free. I could walk and stand without pain. Even though this lasted just a moment – it gave me clarity to see that it didn’t have to all be pain. And so I’ve been having that mindset – that the pain won’t last forever. It’s so hard to believe that when you are in it. But, with that belief and the corresponding actions – things have gotten better. I will be able to stand tonight in Boston. I won’t have to give a seminar crawling around on the floor. The belief that that was possible with corresponding action is what made the nightmare subside. Along with a few amazing experts who helped me when I was in a major bind. In the past, something like this would have held me back. I would have resigned, given up, decided that I couldn’t go on – I’d let the pain win. But not this time. And while Mastery came to a close with momentum that peaked to a symphony of signups from all over the world, I was calm inside – knowing that this set “back” was handled well. Next week Uni-verse, can we lay off the lessons? For now, in the comments below– let me know what is frustrating you in your life and what you are going to do about it. Lots of LOVE, Mastin
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 15:50:37 +0000

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