Happy Humbled and Honored…that pretty much sums it up. Thank you - TopicsExpress


Happy Humbled and Honored…that pretty much sums it up. Thank you for your “likes”, “shares”, support, encouragement, thoughts, prayers, deeds and votes. For all of you who supported me (and even those who did not) I am eternally grateful, because you pushed me to reach beyond my own expectations. Nothing anyone could have said, could have prepared me for the level of intensity this campaign demanded. It has been a long and arduous journey. It is a journey that has blessed me beyond measure. A journey, which has strengthen the bonds of people who have been by my side from the very beginning. It has been a journey which has presented me with newfound friends and supporters. It is because of you (yes you reading this post) and the grace of God that I was victorious. There are far too many people to name individually, but I must acknowledge my family. My father Tony Brown who has been my biggest supporter of my political endeavors from the very beginning. My mother Rikki Brown who I know would not have chosen this path for me, but has always been my greatest encourager and inspiration, constantly reassuring me that I can do ANYTHING I put my mind to. My (younger) siblings Nicole Gollatte and Ray Grizzel, who keep me grounded in so many ways and are often the source of my motivation. My aunts Margaret S Brown, Lillian Owens, Jeanette Coleman, Sylvia Kimbro-Brown uncle Michael Brown and cousins Steven Brown, Stephanie L. Brown, Tammy Kimbro, Darryl Owens, Damon C Owens, Ashley Davis, April Apc Cox, Brittany Anderson, Destiny Owens, Eulanda Marie Wise, Brandi Brown, Steven Brown Jr, Alexander Brown, Sharon Burrell, Kianna M. Beddard and so many others (some who arent on FB and a few a may have forgotten...please charge it to my head and not my heart) who I know, without a doubt always have my back and are great sources of love and encouragement. My extended family Azuree Genine, Lisa Marie, Kelly Sullivan, Nicola Cheeks, Nicole Collins, Kimberly Hodge Edwards, Osupa Nia, Darlene Toney, who are like sisters to me, along with Greg Cameron, Ray A Freeman, Karl Singleton Jr, Columbus Woodruff, and Aaron Believeland who I refer to as my brothers from other mothers. It is a wonderful feeling to know, you have people outside of your family, that are willing to rise to the occasion and answer the call to help fulfill your destiny. I am truly abundantly blessed to have so many awesome people in my life. Speaking of blessings, I must thank my Pastor Larry Harris of MtOlive Baptist Church and my church family for keeping me uplifted in prayer and continuously reminding me God is Able. I’d be remiss if I did not mention my colleagues: Council President Dorise Meek-Hagwood, Elona Johnson White, Stan Anderson, Andrea Mitchell, Ruby Nelson, and Deborah Hutton. It was their confidence in my abilities which put me on the legislative fast track. Thank you for trusting me with great responsibilities and awesome opportunities to make our community a better place. I must also acknowledge my friend, mentor and mayor Brad Sellers for being an outstanding example of leadership and an awesome advocate, always encouraging me to spread my wings and soar. Last but certainly not least, I want to thank my fiancé, Mark Perkins for his unwavering love, support and patience with me. This man has truly been a blessing to me, my family, friends and everyone who crosses his path and I could not have done this without him. Campaigning and politics is not the type of thing you can do alone. It requires the cooperation and support of so many people who get little to no recognition, while one person gets all the glory and accolades. I am wise enough to know, I could not and did not do this on my own. One thing Ive learned is, it is critical you have a solid foundation as well as soft, spot to land when things don’t go your way. My fiancé, friends, family and supporters have been that for me and so much more. So I pray you receive this Honorable Mention with the happiness, humility and honor that has been bestowed upon me. As I said, there are far too many people to acknowledge you all individually, but please trust and know that I truly appreciate you from the bottom of my heart. This is OUR victory! Before I close...I do have one request for ALL of you who are reading this message, I respectfully ask you to continue to keep me in thoughts and prayers as walk in my destiny and begin a new journey. Pray for Gods continuous grace, mercy and favor over my life. Pray for a humble heart, discerning spirit and the wisdom of Solomon as I make decisions about OUR future. Continued peace and blessings to all. Thank you again! #HappyHumbledHonored #teamtelly
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 18:11:51 +0000

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