Has anyone thought of how similar Destiny (the game) and - TopicsExpress


Has anyone thought of how similar Destiny (the game) and Supernatural (the television series) may be? Alright lemme explain: We have three different protagonist characters that all harness different abilities, traits, and powers? The Colt in some retrospect is similar to the Golden Gun. Demons and Vex have similar ways in how they function such as the Vex have red eyes, they can teleport, and there are different levels of Vex kind of like Demons. Ghost is somewhat like your characters primary father figure and advisor, kind of like Bobby. Your primary goal in Destiny is to try to rid the galaxy of many different evil beings of multiple races, kind of like how The Winchester brothers go across the U.S.A going around on killing many supernatural beings of different forms and races. We have humans as a race, and in Destiny there are the Awoken, whom have a almost angelic holy like presence. Like the enemy races in Supernatural, there are many target and specific ways to kill them. In Destiny, some times there are easier ways to kill the enemies with things like Arc Burn or enemies like Vex Hobgoblins where they have a distinct trait where for a short period of time, they are under the influence of a specific ability where they cant be killed. Castiel represents the Titan, they both are very distinct in their ways of strength and brute force and have higher power over the other two protagonists. Sam represents the Warlock, noble and a tad bit more mature than the other two. He has in some retrospect a sort of magical element too him (MOOSE). Dean represents the Hunter, older than his brother and sort of brash but still a good asset. He may be a bit of dick now and then but he still is viable.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 05:50:39 +0000

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